Monthly Archives: March 2021

News ~ March 29, 2021

News ~ March 29, 2021

CLUB REOPENING: The Club will open on Thursday, April 1. If you are interested in an off-season (spring or fall) reservation, call the Club office daily between 10-2. We have already booked quite a few rooms. Be sure to read through the Room Reservation Policy so that you know all the rules for room rentals. A few reminders:

  1. If you are planning a wedding, family reunion, or other gathering, you may only book 11 rooms so that 3 rooms are saved for other members who may want to stay at the same time. Two weeks prior to the event, you may rent any rooms still available.
  2. A member may NOT rent a room in their name and let anyone else stay in the room without them. We often have a waiting list. If you need to cancel your reservation, call the Club office and they will check with the next person on the list. If someone other than the member whose name the reservation is in arrives, they will not be allowed to check in.
  3. Covid restrictions remain in place.
  4. Members and their guests must supply their own pillows, sheets, and towels.
  5. Rooms must be cleaned prior to check out.

DRESSING ROOMS: When the Club opens on April 1, dressing rooms will be available for use. Showers will be available, and cubicles will be open. The center shower in the ladies’ dressing room will remain closed. While masks cannot be worn when showering, they should be worn at all other times while in the dressing rooms. Disinfectant and hand sanitizer will be in each dressing room. Please use the hand sanitizer and spray down areas you touch after showering and using a changing cubicle.

RULES: Please read over the Club Rules before coming to the Club this year. Also, parents please make sure you go over the rules with your children. The most current Rules can be found HERE. We had problems last year with personal belongings being left on the picnic tables and chairs on the first floor. There were often surfboard bags, shoes, shirts, trash, etc. left lying around. This not only looks unsightly, but it prevents members from being able to sit in the chairs and use the tables. Anything found out of place will be taken to the second floor and placed in the Lost and Found. If it continues to be a problem, the member will be contacted.

MASKS: Several members have questioned the policy of wearing masks outside at the Club. While the Covid Committee understands that members want life to get back to normal, they feel it is necessary to follow the most current Executive Orders which went into effect on Friday. The section on masks remains unchanged. The Executive Order states

1.5.General Recommendations. All North Carolinians are strongly encouraged to follow the recommendations for reducing the spread of COVID-19 issued by NCDHHS. These recommendations include the following Recommendations to Promote Social Distancing and Reduce Transmission:

a. Maintain at least six ( 6) feet social distancing from other individuals, with the exception of family or household members.

b. Wear a Face Covering over the nose and mouth when leaving home and wear it inside all public settings such as grocery stores, pharmacies, or other retail or public-serving businesses. A Face Covering should also be worn outdoors when you cannot maintain at least six ( 6) feet distancing from other people with the exception of family or household members.

The first and third floor porches and walkway to the beach do not allow members to consistently remain 6 feet apart. It is the Covid Committee’s hope that as more North Carolinians are vaccinated, our Covid infections will continue to drop, and the Governor will change the mask mandate. Until that time, we will require members (even those who have been fully vaccinated) to wear masks outside from Lumina Avenue to the strand. On the second-floor porch, the main parking lot, and the sound side area, masks must be worn when social distancing (6 feet from those who do not live in your household) cannot be accomplished. The only exception to the outside mask rule is when members are actively eating or drinking.

PARKING STICKERS: Parking stickers will be mailed to all members in early May. The current stickers are good until May 28. Each family will receive a maximum of 2 stickers, one primary and one secondary. Only the primary sticker will be allowed in the lot on certain days which will be announced in advance. Each single member will be given one sticker. If a single person has more than one car registered in their name, they can request a second sticker at the office. A member may NOT share a parking sticker with any non-member. This is grounds for disciplinary action. If a family has more than 2 vehicles registered to them, a guest pass can be picked up in the office, at no charge, for cars without stickers. Passes are only good for one day and will not be provided on holidays.

GUEST PASSES: Members may bring guests to the Club this year. However, guest passes will only be sold on weekdays. On weekends, no guest passes will be allowed. Beginning May 28, guest passes will be sold in the office ($10 per day) weekdays until 4:00pm. Passes are not required after 4:00.

605 S. Lumina: We are happy to announce that 605 S. Lumina continues to be on schedule and on budget. In fact, it now looks as though we will be able to rent the duplex a month earlier than expected. When members rent the duplex, you will be allowed the same privilege as those renting rooms on the 3rd floor. To eat meals in the dining room, you must call in advance to make reservations. Guests renting the duplex will not be allowed to use any of the Club facilities without a member with them. 605 S. Lumina is being managed by Sea Scape Properties. Our units are Seaside Unit A (second floor) and Seaside Unit B (first floor). The rental fees are based on a sliding scale with peak weeks more expensive than less busy weeks. Members are not given a discount on rental fees. As the units are completed and furnished, we will post pictures and they will appear on our Sea Scape listings. There will also be an Open House to allow members to tour the duplex. We are planning the open House for Saturday, May 22, but that is subject to change. More information will be provided in May.


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News ~ March 17, 2021

NEWS ~ MARCH 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold –

and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold.

(an Old Irish Blessing)

OBITUARIES: We are sad to announce the loss of two of our members. Fran Huggins Pavlo passed away on Tuesday, March 9 and Johanna L. Allen passed away on Sunday, March 14. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of friends of these two beautiful members. Their obituaries are linked below.

Fran Huggins Pavlo

Johanna L. Allen

ONLINE PAYMENT: Our Club Management system has updated the online payment portal. You can pay by credit/debit card or direct draft. You can also save credit/debit card information to make payment faster in the future. Linked are videos showing the steps to follow to pay online. Those of us who have tried it have found the system to be very user friendly, but the videos will provide information if you have difficulty. Remember, in order to get to your account, you must first register for the account. Directions are on the Quick Links page of the website. Click on the links below for information on using the payment portal.

Make a Credit/Debit Card Payment

Make an Online Bank Payment

APRIL MEAL SERVICE: We will begin serving meals on Friday, April 2. For the month of April, we will serve on Friday evenings and Sunday lunch. You must call ahead to make reservations and provide your entree of choice. For Friday evening, reservations must be made by 4:00pm on Thursday. Sunday reservations must be made by 10:00am on Saturday. Remember, if you bring guests, the member must pay for all meals.

Friday, 4/2: Prime Rib & Fried Shrimp

Sunday, 4/4: Easter Lunch. 2 seatings – 11:30 and 1:30 Honey Glazed Ham or Fried Flounder

Friday, 4/9: Fried Flounder or Garlic and Herb Shrimp

Sunday, 4/11: Fried Chicken or BBQ Pork

Friday, 4/16: Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp

Sunday, 4/18: Fried Chicken or Meatloaf

Friday, 4/23: Fried Flounder or Chipotle Citrus Shrimp Skewers

Sunday, 4/25: Fried Chicken or BBQ Pork

Friday, 4/30: Prime Rib and Garlic and Herb Shrimp

Seating in the dining room is limited due to Covid-19 restrictions, so call early for reservations. Take outs are available for any meal served.

OFF SEASON ROOM RENTALS: We are now accepting room reservations for spring and fall rentals. Call you the Club office to make your reservations. All rental fees must be paid at the time of reservation. If the room is cancelled at least 3 weeks prior to move-in, a full refund will be provided. If rooms are cancelled within the 3-week window, refunds will be provided IF the room is re-rented, OR if there is an emergency approved by the Board. Any member renting a room for a guest must pay room rental fees. All 3rd floor residents are responsible for purchasing meals served during their stay. If a resident moves in on Friday, they do NOT have to pay for Friday dinner, but may if they choose to. Reservations must be called in by Thursday at 4:00pm. Anyone who stays on Saturday night is responsible for Sunday lunch. Reservations will be made at check in. Take outs can be provided if requested in advance. These meals will be charged whether eaten or not. Members and guests will pay for their meals at check-out. This is the only time money is accepted from guests.






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NEWS ~ MARCH 12, 2021

NEWS ~ MARCH 12, 2021

FIRST FLOOR OPEN: The first floor has reopened! Bathrooms are available during daylight hours. For now, dressing rooms and showers remain closed. The Covid Committee will revisit the dressing room/shower ruling later this spring. The 2nd floor is open from 10-2 daily until the Club reopens on April 1.

EASTER BUFFET: Two seatings will be offered for the Easter Buffet on April 4 – 11:30 and 1:30. When you call to make reservations, you will be given a time to arrive. Arrival times will be staggered so that there is less chance of congregating in the hallway. Please note the marks on the floor and keep your family groups well away from other people waiting in line. Table size is limited to 10 people per table. Remember, you MUST mask at all times when inside except when actively eating. If you leave your table for any reason, you must wear your mask. When you have finished eating, please put your mask on. Especially if you are in the first seating, please go to the porch with your group when everyone has finished their meal so that the staff can prepare for the second seating. We aren’t going to rush you out of the door, but we do need time to prepare the dining room for the second seating. Menu: Honey glazed ham or fried flounder, squash casserole, spiced roasted carrots, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, grilled asparagus, vegetable medley, vegetable soup, carrot cake. When you call for reservation, you will state your preference of entree. This worked well for us last year and allowed us to save money on food cost and reduce waste in the dining room.

ROOM RESERVATIONS: It’s almost time to mail your room reservations. Member’s reservations can be mailed beginning on March 22 with guests following on March 29. Be sure to follow directions EXACTLY. You can click on the following links to print the documents. Both are PDF files, so you must complete the form by hand and mail it to the PO Box.



CLUB REOPENING: The Club will open on Thursday, April 1. Our first spring meal will be served on Friday, April 2. Meals will be served on Friday evening and Sunday lunch. Menus will be posted soon. The number of spaces available in the dining room is still limited by the Governor’s Executive Orders; however, take-outs will be available for every meal.

COVID REGULATIONS: The Covid Task Force is meeting on a regular basis to make sure that we reopen as safely as possible while giving the members as much use of the Club as possible. We are following all Governor’s Executive Orders and CDC guidelines. For now, we require that all members 5 and above wear face coverings over their mouth and nose when outside between Lumina Avenue and the strand, and always mask while inside and not actively eating. On the 2nd floor porch, if there is at least 6 feet between you and other non-household members, you can remove your mask but must keep it handy. If other people come onto the porch closer than 6 feet, put your mask on. On the first and 3rd floor porches, there is not adequate space for people to walk without breaching the 6-foot barrier; therefore, you must always wear a mask. In the main parking lot and at the sound side pier, you do not have to mask if you can maintain 6 feet of social distancing. If you are within 6 feet of a non-household member, wear your mask. If a member or guest refuses to wear a mask, they will be asked to leave the premises. Disinfecting solution and alcohol handwash will be located in several places around the Club. Please use them often!

Guests are allowed on weekdays, except holidays. No guests will be allowed on weekends. During the summer season, guest passes will be available at $10/day on weekdays, excluding holidays. Family members who do not have a sticker can get a pass in the office at no charge. They may be required to show Identification, so be sure to have a driver’s license available.

DISCIPLINE: The penalty for failing to wear masks, not following Covid guidelines, or breaking other General Rules remains the same as last year. This pertains to children and well as adults. Parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that your children and guests obey all rules of the Club.

Progressive Discipline Plan approved by the Board:

  • First offense – Personal phone call from the manager – verbal reprimand.
  • Second offense – Letter from the House Committee Chair noting the reported offense and stating that if there is a third offense of any type, disciplinary action up to and including a fine or suspension of membership could occur.
  • Third offense – Membership suspended. Member not allowed to use Club facilities for 7 days
  • Fourth offense – Membership suspended. Member not allowed to use Club facilities for 30 days + $100 fine
  • Fifth offense – Membership suspended for the remainder of the fiscal year (October 31)
  • Final offense –If member/family member comes onto Club property while suspended, membership will be terminated.

SEASON OPENING LETTER: The Season Opening Letter will be mailed to all members around the first of May. The letter will contain information for obtaining boat stickers and paying for lockers. The letter will also contain your parking stickers for 2021. Stickers must be in place on your vehicle by May 28. Please make sure that the Club has your current mailing address so that you receive all information and your stickers.

605 LUMINA AVENUE NEWS: Construction on the duplex at 605 S. Lumina is moving forward. We are on schedule and on budget at this point. Seascape Properties will be handling the rental of our property. Our units are Seaside Units A and B. currently, the website shows no availability until the first of July. We hope to have it ready to rent earlier which will result in more availability. There is no discount for members renting the duplex. We need full rental fees to meet our debt obligation. Members of the Hanover Seaside Club who rent the duplex will, of course, have full use of the Club. More information will follow. Pictures on the website will be updated as the units are furnished and decorated.


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