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News ~ September 29, 2022


The calendar tells us it’s fall, but there is a lot more beach season out there (as soon as Ian passes us by). We are open and ready for you. Whether it’s a few days stay, a dinner or Sunday lunch, or just to rock on the porch, the Club is the place for you!



Friday, September 30 ~  Fried Flounder or Grilled Shrimp, Corn on the Cob, Okra, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Sunday, October 2 ~ Fried Chicken, BBQ Pulled Pork, Slaw, Collards, Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Tuesday, October 4 ~ Chicken Parmesan or Lasagna, Roasted Potatoes, Broccoli, Pasta Salad, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Friday, October 7 ~ Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp, Rice Pilaf, Green Beans, Corn on the Cob, Rolls, Salad Bar, Desssert

Sunday, October 9 ~ Fried Chicken or Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Collards, Baked Beans, Cucumber Salad, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Tuesday, October 11 ~ Boneless Fried Chicken Breast with Cheese and Bacon or Baked Spaghetti, Baked Potatoes, Broccoli, Sweet Corn, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Friday, October 14 ~ Fried Flounder or Fried Shrimp, Mac and Cheese, Okra, Green Beans, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert

Sunday, October 16 ~ Fried Chicken or BBQ Pulled Portk, Slaw, Collards, Baked Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Salad Bar, Dessert


Social Hour – 5:30-6:30  Free Beer and Wine sponsored by the HSC Social Committee

Dinner served from 6:30-8:00  Menu:  Bratwurst with Sauerkraut and Mustard, Pork Schnitzel with Mushroom Gravy, Rotkraut (red cabbage), Hot Potato Salad, Tomato and Cucumber Salad, Fruit, Black Forest Dump Cake, Rolls  $22/person.  You may NOT use dining room minimums for special events like Oktoberfest.  Call for reservations by Wednesday, October 12 at noon.

ANNUAL MEETING: All Regular Members should have received information concerning the Annual Meeting which will be held on Saturday, October 22 at 2:00pm at the Club.  If you did not receive your mailing, please call the Club office.  We hope all Regular Members will make plans to attend this important meeting.

HOODIES AND LONG SLEEVED TEES: If you placed a pre-order, please pick up your long sleeved tees and/or hoodies as quickly as possible.  We do not have space to store your orders.

STATEMENTS:  Please pay any balance due on your statement as quickly as possible.  We are trying to collect all balances due before closing out our fiscal year.  You may pay online by loggin into the website and clicking on Statement.  Or, you can call the Club office to pay by card.  You may also mail a check to the PO Box.

MEAL PRICES:  If you have gone to the grocery store lately, you have noticed that food prices have gone up significantly since the beginning of the Covid Pandemic.  The Operations Committee, working with our Club staff, was able to keep meal prices the same for the past 3 years.  We have come to the point where it is absolutely necessary to raise meal prices.  The Board has approved a meal increase beginning immediately.  All dinner and Sunday lunch prices will go up $1 for adults, and .50 for children.  Breakfast prices will remain the same.

IAN:  Hurricane/Tropical Storm Ian is not expected to make a direct hit on Wrightsville Beach, however, we are still expected to get some high winds and a lot of rain.  All kayaks/sailboats should be tied down.  Also, there are chairs, beach toys, etc. on the porches racks of the first floor.  Unless you are renting a room, you should not leave personal items unless they are secured in your locker.  Please pick up all personal items.  All items left on the porches or in the rack after October 2 will be disposed of.

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News ~ September 2, 2022

SHRIMPEROO!  Thanks to all who made reservations for Saturday’s Shrimperoo! We are looking forward to a large crowd to celebrate Labor Day. The food serving line will be open from 6:00-7:30. Bars will be located on both first and second floor porches with free beer and wine for Shrimperoo participants from 6:00-9:00. Thanks once again to the Gray family and Custom Home Family Businesses for sponsoring this party. We could use a few volunteers to man the bars. The more help we have, the less time each voluteer will have to stay. Contact Cher Pridgen at cpridgen654@gmail.com if you are willing to donate an hour or two. No experience required. If you can grab a beer out of the cooler and pour a glass of wine – you are hired!

LONG SLEEVED TEES AND HOODIES: Orders are in and ready to be picked up. Stop by the Club office between 9-6 Saturday through Monday to get your shirts. Next week the hours are 10-3. You can pay or charge to your Club account. Orders that requested shipping will go out after Labor Day.  Shirts not picked up by October 1 will be charged to the member account.

FALL MEAL SCHEDULE: After Labor Day, we will move to our off-season meal schedule. Dinners will be served on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00pm. Sunday lunch will be served at 1:00. Please make reservations early. If we don’t have enough reservations, the meal will have to be cancelled. Call all of your friends and come to the Club! Dining room minimums can be used until the end of October.


Friday September 9th ~ Fried Shrimp or  Fried Flounder, Fries, Corn, Green beans, Rolls,  Salad Bar,  Dessert

Sunday September 11th ~ Fried Chicken or  BBQ Pork, Collards,  Mashed Potatoes, Baked Beans, Slaw, Rolls,  Salad Bar, Dessert

Tuesday September 13th ~  Boneless Fried Chicken Breast with Cheese & Bacon or Baked Spaghetti,  Baked Potatoes, Broccoli, Buttered Sweet Corn,  Rolls, Salad Bar,              Dessert

Friday September 16th ~ Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp, Rice Pilaf, Fries, Green Beans, Rolls,  Salad Bar, Dessert

Sunday September 18th ~  Fried Chicken or  Meatloaf,  Mashed Potatoes, Collards, Baked Beans,  Cucumber salad, Rolls, Salad Bar,  Dessert

FALL OFFICE HOURS: The office will be open less hours in the fall. If you call and get the answering machine, leave a message and we’ll return your call. If the answering machine does not pick up, it means the attendant is on the phone and has someone on hold. Give them a few minutes and call back.

Monday through Friday  10-3          Saturday and Sunday   10-4

FIRST FLOOR HOURS: The first floor will be open approximately 7-7. If you need to get in the first floor before it opens, call the office in advance and get the combination for the oceanside door. If you let yourself in, be sure to turn lights out and lock up when you leave.

REVISED ROOM RATES: Room rates have not changed in several years. The Board has approved a rate increase which will take effect September 30. It has been decided that rooms 1 and 2 will now be charged at the same rate as all other bedrooms with 2 beds and no full baths.

Off-season rates will be:

Rooms 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 $372 member weekly, $59 member nightly

$554 guest weekly, $88 guest nightly

Rooms 5 and 6  $ 473 member weekly, $75 member nightly

$665 guest weekly, $104 guest nightly

Rooms 3, 4, and 14 $580 member weekly, $92 member nightly

$769 guest weekly, $122 guest nightly

On-season rates will be posted on the website next week.

We still have rooms available for rental during the fall season. Many of us think September and October are the most beautiful months of the year at the beach. Come and stay when the beaches are fairly empty, there is very little traffice, and you can get into restaurants without a wait!

ANNUAL MEETING:  The Annual Meeting for Regular Members will be held on Saturday, October 22 at 2:00 at the Club. Please mark your calendars and plan to come. And don’t forget, the deadline for submitting nominations for the Board is September 15. We are looking for someone willing to be Secretary-Treasurer. Please consider volunteering to run for this position!

Don’t forget – all merchandise is on sale!  Pick up a tee 25% off or grab a few cups or koozies greatly reduced.

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NEWS ~ August 28, 2022

SHRIMPEROO: The deadline for making reservations for the Shrimperoo is tomorrow (Monday) at 3:00. No reservations will be accepted after that time. An addition to the evening’s festivities ~ live music by Bub White! We all love it when Bub entertains. Free beer and wine for Shrimperoo participants. This party is sponsored by the Gray family and Custom Home Family Businesses.

NOMINATIONS: Don’t forget – if you or someone you know is interested in running for the Board, nomination forms are due no later than Septmber 15. Forms are located on the Quick Links page of the website.


Monday, August 29 ~ Fried flounder or fried shrimp, corn, fries, slaw, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 30 ~ Beef or chicken tacos or taco bowls, dessert

Thursday, September 1 ~ Boneless fried chicken breast topped with cheese and bacon or baked ziti, broccoli, roasted potatoes, cucumber salad, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday, September 2 ~ Prime Rib and grilled shrimp, mac and cheese, green beans, mashed potatoes, rolls salad bar, dessert

PARTIES! Would you like to have a holiday party, but don’t want to worry about cleaning your house or cooking? Schedule a party at the Hanover Seaside Club! The Club is always decorated beautifully for Christmas and Garrett has a variety of menu options for parties. From small, intimate gatherings to large parties – we can help you plan the perfect get together. We schedule parties all year long, so consider us for birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

SNACK BAR: On days when we have rainy weather, the snack bar may not open, or may close early. The decision is made based on the number of members/guests on site. If you are planning to come down for lunch on a gloomy day, call the Club office to check hours for the day.

ACCOUNTS: If you have charged dining room meals, snack bar lunches, or merchandise to your member account, please pay your bills. You can check your balance online or by calling the office. Payments can be made online, by calling the front office, or by mailing a check to the PO Box.


All tees, ladies and unisex, are 25% off!  We have the following stock ready for you. If you would like to reserve a tee, call the office and they will pull it and charge it to your account. First come, first served.

Ladies cut – these tees are fitted and look great for those of you who don’t like the boxier unisex tees. They run very small, so choose 2 sizes above your normal size. Small – XLarge = $15, 2XL = $16.50

Small – 4 aqua, 5 berry  Medium – 1 aqua, 15 berry  Large – 7 berry

XLarge – 10 aqua, 9 berry  2XLarge – 3 berry, 8 aqua

Unisex – these tees fit fairly true to size, but if you like a baggier fit, choose one size up. Small – XLarge = $15, 2XLarge = $16.50, 3XL = $18. We don’t have any smaller sizes and will not place another order until spring.

XLarge – 7 aqua, 4 ice blue, 1 mint   2XLarge – 2 blue, 1 aqua, 2 salmon,

2 ice blue   3XLarge – 3 aqua, 1 salmon, 1 ice blue

Toddler – 1 3T green     Youth – 4 XLarge green

LONG SLEEVED TEES AND HOODIES:  For those who preordered, you will be able to pick up your order around Labor Day. We’ll let you know for sure when orders have been packaged for pick up. If you wanted shipping, your account will be charged and your items shipped soon after Labor Day.

AUGUST 13 PARTY ON THE PORCH: We had a very large crowd for our August Party on the Porch sponsored by the Edwards family and Atlantic Appliance. It was a perfect night for a porch party. Thanks to everyone who came and especially to those who volunteered!

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News ~ August 12, 2022

NEWS ~ August 12, 2022

NOMINATIONS: The Nominating Committee (Brett Riggs, Chair, Eddie Lawler and Ernie Alexander) are soliciting nominations for Board positions.  If you, or someone you know, would like to run for President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, or one of the two open Board positions, please complete the Nomination Form found on the Quick Links page of the website and e-mail the form to Brett Riggs (address at the bottom of the form).  The deadline for submitting forms is September 15.

PARTY ON THE PORCH:  Come to the Club tomorrow night (Saturday) to enjoy a fun night sponsored by Atlantic Appliance and Hardware – Kevin and Mark Edwards.  There will be free beer and wine, music by Chris Bellamy (Jimmy Buffet style), and food by the Tacos El Jeffe food truck.  It’s going to be a great night!


Monday, August 15 – Fried chicken or pulled pork, collards, masked potatoes, baked beans, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 16 – Beef or chicken tacos or bowls, dessert

Thursday, August 18 – Boneless fried chicken vbreast topped with cheese and bacon or meatloaf, roasted potatoes, broccoli, freis, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday, August 19 – Prime rib and grilled shrimp, fried okra, green beans, mac and cheese, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Monday August 22 – Meatloaf or fried chicken, collards, mashed potatoes, baked beans, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 23 – Beef or chicken tacos or bowls, dessert

Thursday, August 25 – Lasagna or chicken parmesan, broccoli, roasted potatoes, cucumber salad, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday, August 26 – Fried Flounder or Fried Shrimp, corn, fries, slaw, rolls, salad bar, dessert


Koozies – were $3, now $2

Stadium cups with lids – were $4, now $2.50

Ladies Cut Tees – were $20, now $15  (XXL – were $22, now $16.50)

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 for the HSC Shrimperoo!  More info to follow.

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Tees are available in two colors ~ Berry and Aqua

Sizes Small through 2XLarge ~ these shirts are more fitted with a scoop neckline.  They run very small so we suggest upsizing 2 sizes.

Sale 25% off ~  Small – XLarge $15          2XLarge  $16.50

Available in the Club office – Do not e-mail orders!

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Whew, it’s hot out there! 

But it’s not going to stay hot. Fall will be here before you know it.  The deadline for ordering hoodies and long sleeved tees is fast approaching! Order by Thursday at 6:00pm by e-mailing ewbeall@gmail.com. Details on the blog posted 7/30 at hanoverseaside.club. This is the only time these shirts will be offered, so don’t miss your chance to order.  

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News ~ July 31, 2022

NEWS ~ JULY 31, 2022

PARKING STICKERS AND WRIST BANDS: Member parking stickers and member wrist bands are available ONLY for current members. Significant others, boyfriends/girlfriends/fiancess whether live-in or not, are not allowed to have vehicle stickers or wrist bands. Also, significant others are not allowed to come to the Club without the member present. Each member family is given one sticker unless the member is married or has children who drive, in which case they are given two. A single member who has 2 automobiles registered in their name can request a 2nd sticker. However, the second sticker may not be given to a significant other nor can the significant other drive the member’s car to the Club. Significant others may get a guest sticker or guest wrist band when they visit the Club with the member.

HOODIES AND LONG SLEEVED TEES PREORDER: Deadline Thursday, August 4 at 6pm. More info available on previous blog at www.hanoverseaside.club.


Monday, August 1 ~ Fried shrimp or fried flounder, coleslaw, mac and cheese, okra, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 2 ~ Beef or chicken tacos or bowls, dessert

Thursday, August 4 ~ Baked ziti or boneless fried chicken breast topped with cheese and bacon, roasted potatoes, broccoli, corn, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday, August 5 ~ Prime rib and grilled shrimp, green beans, fries, collards, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Monday, August 8 ~ BBQ chicken or meatloaf, mashed potatoes, baked beans, fried okra, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 9 ~ Beef or chicken tacos or bowls, dessert

Thursday, August 11 ~ Baked spaghetti or chicken parmesan, roasted potatoes, broccoli, cucumber salad, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday August 12 ~ Fried flounder or fried shrimp, corn, fries, slaw, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Monday, August 15 ~ Fried chicken or pulled pork, collards, mashed potatoes, baked beans, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Tuesday, August 16 ~ Beef or chicken tacos or blowls, dessert

Thursday, August 18 ~ Bonesless fried chicken breast topped with cheese and bacon, meatloaf, roasted potatoes, broccoli, fries, rolls, salad bar, dessert

Friday, August 19 ~ Prime rib and grilled shrimp, fried okra, green beans, mac and cheese, rolls, salad bar, dessert


Wednesday, August 3, 7:00pm ~ BINGO! Come enjoy a fun night of Bingo with host Brian Allen. Be sure to come early and bring a prize!

Saturday, August 6, 4-7pm ~ Family Night! See details on previous flyers. Call now to let the office know you are coming!

Saturday, August 13, 6-9pm ~ Party on the Porch!  Music by Chris Beallamy – Jimmy Buffet style music. Food by Tacos El Jefe.  Hosted by Mark and Kevin Edwards ~ Atlantic Appliance and Hardware.  Free beer and wine, along with mixers if you BYOB.  There is no charge for this event; however, you must call the Club office by noon on Thursday, August 11 to put your name on the list.

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Members were very pleased with the hoodies we offered last fall. We received quite a few more orders than expected and heard rave reviews.  There have been requests for HSC long sleeved tees, so we decided to offer them as a PREORDER item also.

You must place your order by e-mailing ewbeall@gmail.com.  Be very specific about what you want to order.  State long sleeved tee or hoodie, color as noted in picture, and size.   Once you place your order, you will be responsible for purchasing the hoodie. No refunds will be given.  Orders are due by Thursday, August 4 at 6:00pm. We expect them to be available for pick up at the Club office around Labor Day weekend. Any preorders not picked up by October 1 will be charged to the member’s account.  We will ship orders for a fee of $10.  Shipping fee may be higher for large orders.  If you want your order shipped, state that in your order e-mail and list the shipping address.

The hoodies, made by Jerzees, are Nu-Blend pill resistant fleece. They are 50/50 cotton/poyester with front pouch pocket, and ribbed cuffs and waistbands. The hoodies will have the HSC logo on the front left chest area, with the line drawing of the Club on the back. All printing will be white.

Pricing (does not include tax)

S-XL $32

2XL $34

3XL $36

The Bella + Canvas long sleeved tees are Triblend 3.8 oz./yd², 50/25/25 polyester/airlume combed and ringspun cotton/rayon, retail fit, 2″ ribbed cuffs, coverstitched collar, side seams, and rear away label.  Printing will be the same as hoodies.

S-XL  $30

2XL  $32

3XL  $34

As of today, there is ample stock in all colors and sizes; however, it’s possible that by the time we place the orders some may be out of stock. We cannot control supply chain issues.

Please make sure that you have your order complete an correct before e-mailing it to Elise.  It can get very confusing when we receive multiple e-mails changing orders.  Due to the large number of orders submitted, we will not respond to orders, but will answer questions you may have.

These tees and hoodies will make great holiday gifts!  We realize it’s so hot outside that people aren’t thinking about cooler weather.  Order now!  This is the last merchandise order until next spring.

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