It’s That Time of Year!

Room reservation forms for the 2012 summer season should be mailed to the Club’s PO Box on March 1. Remember, only members occupying rooms can send their reservations at this time. Reservation forms postmarked prior to March 1 will not be considered. If possible, give options for different weeks and different rooms to make your chance of getting a room higher. The House Committee will meet to assign rooms once all reservations have been received. Rooms are assigned on a first come – first served basis.

You can view the room layout diagram and pricing information in the Member Section under House Information.

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Annual Meeting ~ 2012

The annual meeting of the Hanover Seaside Club was held on Saturday, February 11, 2012. The meeting was memorable for several reasons. First, attendance. I can’t guarantee that this was the largest turnout for an annual meeting ever – but it was certainly the largest in my memory. It was wonderful to see so many members who care about their Club attend the meeting and voice their opinions. It will also be remembered as one of the longest meetings. There was quite a lot of business to conduct and members had questions that took time to answer. Also, this is the first time I remember having more than one person run for each of the officers positions. About twice as many ballots were cast this year as last, so the teller committee worked long and hard to deliver the vote count.

The membership reelected Mike Lewis as President and Jean Lawler as Vice President. Linda Tinga was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Tom Cheatham and Chris Furr were elected to three year terms on the Board of Directors. They join Elise Beall and John Cockrum who have two years, and Duncan McFadyen and Brad Walls who have one year remaining on their terms.

Thank you to Henrietta Godwin and Deak Walden who completed three year terms on the Board of Directors. Both Henrietta and Deak have worked hard to make the Hanover Seaside Club a better place for all members. We appreciate their dedication. Thanks also to our outgoing Secretary-Treasurer, Wilson Horton, who has served tirelessly for approximately 25 years. Wilson is looking forward to enjoying the beach with his friends and family without having to work or answer questions every time he relaxes in his beach chair.

The minutes of the meeting will be posted in the Members Section of this website after they are approved by the Board of Directors.

It’s not too late to volunteer to serve on a Standing Committee. You can view the committees in the Members Section under Hanover Seaside Club Documents. If you would like to serve, notify Mike Lewis by clicking on Contact the President under the Member Section.

Mark your calendars now for the 2013 annual meeting which will be held on Saturday, February 9 at 2:00 at the Hanover Seaside Club!

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Annual Meeting!

Just a reminder that the Annual Meeting of the Hanover Seaside Club will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 2:00 pm in the Club Dining Room. All regular members in good standing (2012 dues paid) are encouraged to attend.

Several changes in our methods of bookkeeping and financial controls will be discussed. At the request of several members, a CPA firm was hired to look into the Club’s books. Grady Windham of Windham & Henderson hopes to be on hand to discuss his compilation of the 2011 books. If he is not available, he will have a report prepared for work completed. Also at the request of the membership, the Board has hired Crystal Ahumada of KeraTech to perform all accounts receivable and accounts payable functions. Crystal will be at the meeting to answer questions about our current budget and financial controls being put in place to improve the operation of the Club. A representative from Phoenix Enviro will also attend to provide information to the membership regarding renovation needed on the 3rd floor of the Club.

If you have not done so, you will be able to volunteer to serve on one of the new Standing Committees at the meeting on Saturday. The Board’s hope is that Standing Committees will improve the overall operation of the Club, allow us to handle business in a faster and more efficient method, and allow regular and seasonal members to have input into the operation of the Hanover Seaside Club.

Elections will take place during the meeting. Two new Board members and the President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer will be elected. You must attend the meeting to cast your vote and let your preference be known!

Maintenance on the website is ongoing. Hopefully all of the documents in the Member Section of the website will be available for members to view prior to the annual Meeting.

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Website Maintenance

In order the improve the Hanover Seaside Club website, we will be doing maintenance over the next couple of weeks. During this time you will not be able to access many of the documents in the Members Section of the site. We will complete the maintenance as quickly as possible and let you know when you can access files. Thank you for your understanding!

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January News!

Don’t forget . . . the deadline for mailing your 2012 dues is February 1, 2012. A $25 per month late fee will be charged for payments postmarked after the deadline!

Mark your calendar now for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Hanover Seaside Club. The meeting will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 2:00 pm in the dining room of the Club. In order to attend you must be a Regular Member in good standing which means your 2012 dues must be paid.

The Hanover Seaside Club Constitution states that in order to join the Club as the son or daughter of a member in good standing, the application must be received and accepted prior to their 24th birthday or the date of marriage, whichever comes first. If you have a son or daughter who is planning to marry or who will turn 24 this year, get their application in now. If a son or daughter does not apply when first eligible, they do not receive the reduced initiation fee and their application is put in with all new member applications.

The Valentine Social is coming up! Be sure to call for reservations for the prime rib or baked chicken dinner to be held on February 14, 2012 at 6:30. Transportation will be provided for those who need it. Cost for prime rib is $18.95 and for chicken is $14.95.

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Standing Committees

In an effort to improve the operation of the Hanover Seaside Club and to provide a mechanism for member input, the Board of Directors is in the process of appointing Standing Committees. The Standing Committees will operate under the direction and supervision of the Board of Directors. Membership will include Members of the Board, as well as Regular and Seasonal members. The list of committees, suggested membership, and duties are listed under the Member Section of the website in Hanover Seaside Club Documents. Please take a look at the Committee list and consider volunteering to serve on one of these important committees. For committees to work, it is imperative that we have member participation. To volunteer, click on Contact the President under the Member Section and give your 1st and 2nd choice of committees you would like to serve on. Committees will be appointed shortly after the first of the year. You will be contacted by the Committee Chair concerning meeting times and locations.

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New Year’s Eve Celebration

Come ring in the New Year with your Hanover Seaside Club friends!  The celebration will begin at 8:00.  Enjoy music and dancing, and heavy hors d’oeuvres.  BYOB.  Reservations are required and are limited to 100 members and their guests.  Cost is $10 per person.

There are still a few rooms available for those who would like to stay.

To make party and room reservations, call the Club office at 910.256.2726.

Come join the fun!



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Informal Fall Covered Dish Supper

Summer might be over, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Join your Hanover Seaside Club friends for an informal covered dish supper on Saturday, November 19 at 6:30pm at the Club. After dinner we’ll move back the tables and dance the night away! Bring a dish, your favorite beverage, and enjoy some delicious food and good music with great friends.

This party is limited to Hanover Seaside Club members and their invited guests. For more information, contact Jean Lawler.

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Mark Your Calendars!

Be sure to check the Hanover Seaside Club calendar for all of the upcoming holiday events.  There is a LOT going on and you don’t want to miss anything.  Reservations are required for meals and parties, so be sure to contact Mollene or Beth to get your name on the list.

The Sunday Buffet continues until December 18.  A special Thanksgiving and Christmas buffet are on the calendar.  Also, meals are served on Tuesday evenings through December 13.  The menu changes each week.  Call the Club office on Sunday to find out the menu for the Tuesday evening meal.

The Hanover Seaside Club Annual meeting will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 2:00 pm in the Club dining room.  In order to attend the Annual Meeting, you must be a regular member in good standing.

Minutes from the Board of Directors meetings and the Constitution Committee meetings are located in the Member Section under Hanover Seaside Club Documents.  You are not notified by e-mail of additions to the Members Section, so check back regularly for the newest information.

One thing I am giving thanks for this holiday season is my Hanover Seaside Club family.  I am truly blessed to be a part of this community.


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Beach2Battleship Triathlon – October 29, 2011

WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. … Making waves, a record 1,875 triathletes will stroke the waters of Wrightsville Beach during the first leg of the internationally acclaimed Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Triathlon.

From its starting point at Wrightsville’s south end Coast Guard Station on the eastern shore of BanksChannel to the finish line at the USS Battleship North Carolina on the west bank of the Cape Fear River, thousands of spectators are expected to crowd waterway beaches, channel banks, docks and bridges to cheer for and witness extraordinary feats of athletic endurance along the 140.6-mile route. The 2.4-mile swim through Banks Channel and Motts Channel begins at 7 a.m. and is expected to continue for approximately 1.5 hours, passing the docks of the Blockade Runner and ending at Sea Path Marina, the first of several key transition areas. Sprinting from Sea Path to Wrightsville Beach Park, athletes will mount their bikes and begin the 112-mile ride traversing Interstates, highways and country roads in four neighboring counties before arriving at Battleship Park. The final leg of the race is a 26.2-mile run across the Cape Fear River, through historic downtown Wilmington, around scenic Greenfield Lake and back.

Named by Triathlete Magazine as one of the top five iron distance triathlons in the world, the field of participants represents 43 states and five foreign countries. Since the inaugural event in 2008, this year marks the first time the Beach2Battleship Triathlon, sponsored by PPD, has sold out. A total of 800 athletes are registered for the full iron distance race. Last year’s top time was 8 hours, 55 minutes and 52 seconds. An additional 1,075 athletes are registered for the half iron distance.

The PPD Beach2Battleship benefits the Wilmington Family YMCA and the greater Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach area. Organizers anticipate 6,000 spectators, with as many as 2,000+ traveling to the destination.

Other activities scheduled for the weekend include:  Scenic nature tours with Captain Joe Abbate, the Carolina Naturalist, as featured in Our State Magazine; Halloween Horse Drawn Trolley Tours, “Avenue Q” at City Stage, the Model Railroad Extravaganza, Fall Camellia Show and Sale, and the 6th annual Cape Fear Wedding Show.

For further information:


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