News – September 2, 2019
Oops, I realize I got the date wrong on the Constant Contact email sent out a few minutes ago. Dorian is messing with my head. And I am not ready for summer to be over. Sorry for any confusion.
News – August 17, 2019
UPDATE ON 605 S LUMINA PROPERTY: We have gotten bids from companies to tear down the A-Frame; the Board will select a demolition company at its next meeting. In the meantime, we are obtaining permits, investigating financing, meeting with general contractors, choosing an architectural plan, etc. There is a lot to do before the annual meeting! We will publish regular updates on the progress with 605. The first official update will be after the Board meeting on August 28. Armistead Boyd, who chaired the 605 committee, will head the building committee.
NOMINATIONS: Do not forget, nominations for Officers and the Board must be submitted to Mike Pridgen, Nominations Committee Chair, no later than September 15. Forms can be downloaded from – Quick Links page. No log in is necessary. We will be electing a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, 2 Board Members for 3 year terms, and 1 Board Member for a 1 year term.
STANDING COMMITTEES: If you would like to serve on a Standing Committee beginning November 1, contact and let me know which committee you prefer. The Standing Committees, with descriptions of duties, are listed on the Documents page of the website under Current Policies.
Sunday, August 18 – Fried Chicken or BBQ Pulled Pork
Monday, August 19 – Fried Cod and Shrimp
Tuesday, August 20 – Taco Night: Mahi, Beef, and Chicken Tacos or Bowls
Thursday, August 21 – Italian Night: Chicken Parmesan or Eggplant Rollatini
Friday, August 22 – Surf ‘N Turf: Prime Aron and Grilled Shrimp
Sunday, August 18 at 7:00 – Party on the Porch! Don’t let the rain keep you away – if necessary we will move into the dining room. Bring your favorite beverage and an appetizer to share. Enjoy the delicious food, music by Bub White, and fellowship with friends! Hosts: Jan Sheppard and Bo & Miriam Wessell
Wednesday, August 28 at 6:00 – Board Meeting
Saturday, August 31 at 6:30 – LOW COUNTRY BOIL! Reservations necessary by August 24 to allow time to purchase food.
News – August 3, 2019
605 S Lumina Property: As you know, the Regular membership voted to tear down the A-Frame and build a duplex for rental property. The next steps will be contracting to have the A-Frame removed, as well as appointing a building committee, selecting a floor plan and contractor, and getting started on this venture. We will keep you updated as things progress.
Upcoming Menus: Remember, reservations must be made in advance! Those members renting rooms must pay for all meals whether they are eaten, or not. Please refer to the general rules for more information.
Sunday, 8/4 – Fried Chicken & BBQ Pork
Monday, 8/5 – Calabash: Fried Cod and Shrimp
Tuesday, 8/6 – Taco Night: Mahi and Cod Tacos, Steak and Pork Tacos
Thursday, 8/8 – Italian Night: Eggplant rollatini, Cabernet braised beef short ribs
Friday, 8/9 – Surf & Turf: Prime Rib and Bacon Wrapped Shrimp
Sunday, 8/11 – Fried Chicken and Meatloaf
Monday, 8/12 – Calabash: Fried Flounder and Shrimp
Tuesday, 8/13 – Taco Night: Beef & Chicken Taco Bowls and steak and Pork Tacos
Thursday, 8/15 – Italian Night: Chicken Alfredo and Baked Ziti
Friday, 8/16 – Surf & Turf: Prime Rib and Peel & Eat Shrimp
There has evidently been a glitch in online meal reservations and some did not get recorded. We have removed the online reservation option. Please call the Club office to make reservations.
E-Mails: Each time a blog is posted to the website, an email is sent through Constant Contact to the email addresses we have on file. Emails are no longer being sent from the website. If you are not getting emails, check your spam folder. For some reason, a few service providers, like Road Runner, have marked our emails as spam. If you find an email in spam, mark it as “not spam” and future emails should come to your inbox. If you do not find emails in your spam folder, it may mean that the email address in the data base is incorrect. Call the Club office to update your email preference. You can also find the information from emails posted on the home page of the website and on our Facebook page.
Membership News: Our membership year now runs from November 1 – October 31. This change was approved at the last Annual Meeting. This means dues statements will be going out in the fall and will be due by November 1. Dining Room Minimums must be used by October 31. The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 26 at 2:00. At the Annual Meeting we will be electing the following Board Members: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and 2 3-year term Board Members. We will also elect one Board member to fill the 1 year unexpired term of Jan Sheppard. The Nominating Committee is Mike Pridgen, Chair, Tom Cheatham and Dan Hickman. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is September 15. The updated nomination form will be posted on the Quick Links page of the website in the next few days.
Party on the Porch: Jan Sheppard will host a Party on the Porch on Sunday, August 18 at 7:00. Bring your favorite summer beverage, an appetizer to share, and come enjoy an evening listening to the music of Bub White. What a great way to enjoy your Club!
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, August 14, 7:00pm BINGO! This will be the last Bingo of the season, so don’t miss it. Bring a prize and join the fun.
Sunday, August 18, 7:00pm Party on the Porch
Wednesday, August 28, 6:00pm Board Meeting
Saturday, August 31, 6:30pm, Low Country Boil – more info to follow!
Final Decision on 605 S. Lumina Property
A Special Called Meeting of Regular Members met on Saturday, July 27 at 2:00pm at the Club to determine what should be done with the damaged property at 605 S. Lumina. A quorum was present. The Committee presented several options and allowed members to comment and ask questions. After the first ballot, the majority of those Regular Members present and voting (47) chose to tear down the existing A-Frame and build a rental duplex on the property. The option to tear down the A-Frame and build a green space garnered 33 votes. None of the other options received more than a few votes.
A special thank you to the committee who worked tirelessly for months to gather information and present members with viable options for the property. The committee was chaired by Board member, Armistead Boyd. Members included Mackey Hughes, Janet Warren, Worth Merritt, Jake Wessell, Tim Johnson, Ernie Alexander, Michael Russ, and Steve Hobbs.
News – July 19, 2019
The biggest issue facing membership at this time is how we should proceed with the damaged 605 S. Lumina property. The final informational meeting, open to Regular and Seasonal members, will be held at 2:00pm on Sunday, July 21 at the Club. The Regular membership will vote at a called meeting Saturday, July 27 at 2:00. Only Regular members who are present are allowed to vote, and each member family (husband and wife) receives only one vote. Our Constitution does not allow for absentee/proxy, or remote voting. Voting will continue until one option receives a majority of the votes of those members present and voting. If you would like to view the Constitution, look on the website under Quick Links.
Upcoming Menus: Remember, reservations must be made in advance! See previous message for menus up to July 25.
Thursday, 7/25 – Italian Night – Chicken Parm & Baked Ziti
Friday, 7/26 – Surf N Turf – Prime Rib & Baked Mahi
Sunday, 7/28 – Fried Chicken & Pork Chops
Monday, 7/29 – Calabash – Fried Fish & Shrimp
Tuesday, 7/30 – Taco Night – Steak & Pork Tacos, Beef & Chicken Taco Bowls
Thursday, 8/1 – Italian Night – Gorgonzola Chicken & Sausage and Peppers
Friday, 8/2 – Surf N Turf – Prime Rib & Grilled Shrimp
Sunday, 8/4 – Fried Chicken & BBQ Pork
The past two Bingos have been nearly full – with lots of donated prizes. Regardless of which type Bingo is called, FUN has been the name of the game! Thanks to our hosts so far this year – Brett Riggs, Steve Lee & family, the Stasios and the Pridgens. Only 2 Bingos remain, so be sure to come play!
Still haven’t planned your summer vacation? Rent a room at the Hanover Seaside Club in August. Enjoy the most beautiful beach in NC – or the world. Sit on the porch with a cup of coffee and watch the sun rise over the Atlantic. Have our dedicated chef and staff prepare your meals and wash the dishes. Take a boat or kayak ride in the sound. Swim, surf, boogie board to your heart’s content. Get to know other Club members and make memories that will last a lifetime! Call the Club office for availability.
The Board purchased the Jonas Club Management system last fall. The system includes a website that will provide much more functionality than our current site. But, we need someone to put the site together. If you love working on software and are willing to volunteer time, please contact our President, Jan Sheppard, at There are videos that will help you learn the system. If you have ever used widgets, this is right up your alley!
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, 7/21 – 2:00 605 Informational Meeting
Wednesday, 7/24 – 6:00 Board Meeting
Saturday, 7/27 – 2:00 Called Meeting for Regular Members to vote on 605 S Lumina
Wednesday, 7/31 – 7:00 BINGO! Bring a prize and join the fun!