Author Archives: elise

News ~ May 11, 2018


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Room Reservation Payment!


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Mother’s Day Buffet!


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News ~ April 29, 2018


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News ~ April 15, 2018


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News ~ March 30, 2018


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2018 Parking Registration

It’s time to register your cars for the 2018 Summer season!
Remember, each member family may register a maximum of two cars. The primary car will get a sticker that can be used every day of the season. The secondary car will receive a sticker that can be used at all times other than July 4th. Stickers may only be placed on cars registered to a member. You may NOT get an extra sticker or share your sticker with non-member family or friends.
To complete the form, you must have your member number and your vehicle registration card.
Registration is fast and easy. You may register online by going to the Club website at YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOG IN! To make it easier for our members, the 2018 HSC Parking Registration form is located on the home page – just under the picture of the Club. You can click HERE to automatically access the form. Complete and submit the form. You will see a message, “your response has been recorded” when you successfully submit the form.
If you prefer, you may go to the Club office Monday through Friday from 12-4 to register your vehicle. Morgan, our new part-time assistant, will be happy to help you.
For all vehicles registered prior to May 1, stickers will be placed in the season opening letter that goes out in early May. If you register after letters have been distributed, you will have to pick your sticker up at the Club office.
New stickers must be in place on May 26. Cars without 2018 stickers will not be allowed to park in the parking lot. If you have questions, contact
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News ~ March 21, 2018


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Easter ~ 2018

Easter - 18web

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News ~ March 9, 2018


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