News – December 14, 2023

NEWS ~ December 14, 2023

Update from the President, Dan Harris

Hello HSC members. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I am very excited to be your president and I look forward to a great year.

I just wanted to give members a quick update. The transition of the new Board has been a challenge, to say the least. All three officers and four of the six Board members are new this year. There has been very little guidance, but we are working on a transitional period for future elections to prevent this from being so difficult. This club means a lot to all of us, and we need to be willing to help each other out in order for the Club to function properly. Lee Pearson stepped down from the Board and the new Board elected Maria Stasios to take over his last year. I do believe that we have a great Board for this year. We met in November anddiscussed the previous year’s unresolved issues. We are now focused on the new year at hand.

The Board is working on completing the budget and plan to work together with the Finance Committee to come up with a simpler financial statement to hand out to the members for the annual meeting. I feel like those without an accounting/bookkeeper background really struggle to understand what we currently provide. We have a very detailed financial report which is necessary for tax purposes, but for general membership it is quite difficult to understand.

Lastly, please thank the previous Board members when you see them – especially Jan Sheppard. She dedicated an enormous amount of time to our Club for 5+ years. We should all be very thankful and appreciative of their hard work.

I look forward to serving you all and my family and I would like to wish each one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be thankful for the birth of our Lord and Savior and rejoice together!

Dan Harris and family

Dick Slack  Our love and prayers to the family of Dick Slack who passed away on Sunday, December 10. We are thinking of Maclyn and her sons during this difficult time. You can view his obituary HERE.

Tom Sheets When I mentioned the passing of Tom Sheets in the last newsletter, I failed to mention the names of some of his family who are members of the Club. My apologies to his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter, Felicia, and their families who are members of the Club. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

COOKIES WITH SANTA!  The last event of this year is Cookies with Santa which will be held Saturday, December 14 at 10:00am. Please bring a wrapped gift with your child’s name on for Santa to give to your child. This is always a fun event for children and parents alike. Hope you can be there!

DUES STATEMENTS  Dues statements are going out a little later than usual this year. Be prepared! Dues are due by the end of January. Dues and dining room minimums did not change this year, so your statement will be the same as last year. You should get your statement aroung the first of the year.

CLUB HOURS  The Club will be closed several days during the holidays. Also, the 2nd and 3rd floors will be closed during January so that necessary repairs can be made. The first floor will accessible to members who have a code for the front door. If you need the code, call the office.If you need to visit the office when it is open, call and someone can help. Bathrooms on the first floor will be open until weather dictates that they must be winterized.

After December 16, the office will be open the folowing days/times ONLY:

December 18, 19, 27, and 28 from 9:00-3:00.

January office hours: 9:00-3:00 on the following days:

January 2-5, 8-11, 16-19, 22-26, and 29-Feb 1. If you have questions, call the office during office hours for assistance. If there is no answer, leave a message and someone will return your call.

The office will be closed February 2-11.

During February, the 2nd floor will be open when the office is open. A schedule will be provide in January. The 3rd floor will remain closed during February.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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