News ~ April 1, 2022

NEWS ~ APRIL 1, 2022

Happy April Fool’s Day! Hope you haven’t been pranked too badly today.


The Board and Club office have new e-mail addresses, effective immediately. Please use the following addresses to send comments, questions, commendations, and suggestions.

President – Jan Sheppard –

Vice-President – Dan Harris –

Sec-Treasurer – Brett Riggs –

Ernie Alexander –

Steve Jeremias –

Jake Wessell –

Cher Pridgen –

Lee Pearson –

Lee Bujalski –

General Manager – Gregg Tolerico –

Office – Ashley Muise –

In the future as new Board members are elected, they will be assigned one of these e-mail addresses. The address is still in use for the person in charge of communications/website.

ROOM RESERVATIONS: If you have not received a bill for your room reservations, please contact the office during work hours – Monday throught Friday 9-3. Ashley will be able to help. Remember, payment is due by May 6.

WORK DAY: Don’t forget the Work Day on Saturday, April 23 (rain date, April 30). We will be posting projects we hope to complete and what tools you should bring in a week or so.

WATER: Our water bill is increasing. Parents – please supervise your children when they are using the hoses on the boardwalk and showers. And adults – please don’t play with the water. We want you to shower and wash off your beach paraphernalia while conserving water as much as possible. The best way to keep dues down is to keep expenses down.

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