Summer Room Reservation Information


The Board approved altering the dates for room reservations for the 2021 summer season. We will be using the following timeline for room reservations this year.

March 1     Room Reservation info and request forms placed on the website.

March 22   First day for members to mail room requests. Any requests postmarked before March 22 will be held until all requests mailed at the proper time are handled.

March 29   First day members to mail requests for nonmember family and guests.

April 26       Bills e-mailed to the address on the form.

May 21         Full room payment is due. Rooms will NOT be held without complete payment.

Experts expect that Covid-19 will continue to be a problem through much of the summer. At this time, our rules concerning masks and distancing remain the same. As more information is disseminated and the Governor issues additional orders, the Covid Committee will evaluate our operation, make necessary changes, and we will notify the membership.

The Board has approved a change to the Refund Policy for 2021. For this year only, a full refund will be made as long as a room is cancelled at least 3 weeks prior to move-in. If a room is cancelled within the 3-week time frame and the room is re-rented, a full refund will be provided. If there is an emergency that requires a member to cancel within 3 weeks, they can appeal to the Board for a refund.

Many of our members who are health care workers, front line workers, or over 65 will be getting vaccinated soon, if they have not already started. Many are under the assumption that after they are vaccinated, they will no longer need to wear masks or socially distance. Please read this ARTICLE on the need for care after vaccination.



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