News ~ November 20, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving from the Hanover Seaside Club!

SURFBOARD SHELF LOCKER: We announced previously that there are personal possessions that must be removed from the surfboard locker on the north side of the building by December 1. To further explain, this refers only to the large, shelf locker. If you rent a shelf in that storage area, you may keep whatever you choose on your shelf. If you do NOT rent a shelf, you should not have any items in the locker. No items should be placed on the ground or leaned against walls. All possessions remaining in the storage area on December 1 will be disposed of. Please remember to keep the storage area locked at all times. The Club is not responsible for personal possessions kept in any of the lockers on the Club property.

MEAL SERVICE: You can now use your 2020-21 Dining Room Minimum in the dining room. The last meal of this year will be served on Black Friday, November 27. The menu is Prime Rib and Shrimp. Please make reservations by Wednesday, November 25 at 5:00pm. If we do not have at least 25 reservations (dine in and to-go combined), we will have to cancel the meal.

WEBSITE REGISTRATION: Please take time to register for the new Hanover Seaside Club website. The web address is Do NOT register at That is our old site and does not include the functionality of the new site. Directions for registration are HERE. If you have trouble registering or logging in, please call the Club office.

DUES: Dues statements will be mailed in the next few days. The due date for payment is January 15. The statement includes only dues and dining room minimum. Payment for lockers and boat stickers can be paid in the Spring in the office. You do not have to wait for your bill to arrive to pay your dues. If you are registered on the new website, go to Log in and click on Statements. Your current balance is listed. Just click on PAY NOW and enter your credit card information. Members who have used the online payment portal in the new website say it’s fast and easy!

FIRST FLOOR CLOSING: As long as the temperature stays above freezing, we will keep the first floor unlocked. Showers remain closed, but restrooms are available. Once temperatures drop below 30 at night, we will have to winterize the first floor and it will remain closed until Spring. We will keep you informed.

COVID UPDATE: We have been extremely fortunate to be able to keep our facility open for members without an outbreak of Covid. The Covid Committee worked tirelessly doing research on best practices, Governor’s Executive Orders, and CDC Guidelines to make our Club a safe haven this year. Our staff has been diligent in cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces and keeping our facility as virus free as possible. But even with all that we did, we understand that pure luck played a big role in our success. However, with colder weather and more indoor activities, the onset of flu season, and the increase in rate of transmission of COVID, we need to go a step further. After thorough discussion, the Covid Committee recommended, and the Board approved closing the Club from December 1 through February. Due to Executive Orders, we cannot host parties or events. We do not serve meals during the winter in normal years. We have decided not to rent rooms on the 3rd floor during these three months to limit the number of people inside the building, reduce hours for staff, and decrease the janitorial expense. As mentioned earlier, the first floor will remain open until threat of freezing forces us to winterize. The office will be open from 9:00-5:00 daily, and restrooms on the 2nd floor will be available until mid-December. We will announce hours for the remainder of the winter in a later blog post/e-mail.

Please remember that all Covid restrictions remain in place. All members and their guests must wear masks anytime on Club property between Lumina Avenue and the strand. Masks must be worn at all time inside except in your room if your renting a room on the 3rd floor. In the dining room, you may take masks off to eat.

STANDING COMMITTEES: If you would like to serve on a Standing Committee, please let us know as quickly as possible. You can find out what each committee is responsible for by clicking HERE. Committees are starting to plan for next year. We especially need members on the Finance Committee. You can call the Club office to volunteer or contact the Chair of the Committee on which you would like to serve. Chairs for the committees are as follows:

Operations: Elise Beall and Cher Pridgen

Governance: Jake Wessell

Facilities: Dan Harris

Social Activities: Cher Pridgen

House: Elise Beall

Finance: Brett Riggs

AUTOMOBILE STICKERS: Your current sticker will be good through the spring of 2021. We will be mailing new stickers with the season opening letter in May.


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