Room Reservation News


We hope that everyone is healthy and surviving social distancing and home schooling!

Due to social distancing for Covid19, the uncertainty of when the Club will be able to reopen, and the financial impact this has had on many of our members, the Board has approved the following:

  • The due date for room payments has been moved from the first Friday in May (May 1) as stated in the Room Reservation Policy to one week prior to the Club opening. Members who have reserved rooms will be notified of the payment date by Constant Contact email, on Facebook and on the web site as soon as we have clarification on when the Club can reopen.
  • Any member who has reserved a room and has been financially impacted from the Covid19 Executive Orders can pay room fees in installments with $200 due one week before the Club reopens and the remainder due one week prior to their scheduled stay.
  • No further room reservations for the Spring or Summer season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) will be accepted until we have verification of when the Club will reopen. Any available rooms will be saved for those who made reservations for early in the summer and may lose them due to Covid19.

If your vacation plans change, and you find you no longer need the room you reserved, please call the Club office at 910-256-2726 as soon as possible and leave a message canceling your room reservation. If you mailed a room reservation form and have not received a bill, contact



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