News – August 17, 2019

UPDATE ON 605 S LUMINA PROPERTY:  We have gotten bids from companies to tear down the A-Frame; the Board will select a demolition company at its next meeting. In the meantime, we are obtaining permits, investigating financing, meeting with general contractors, choosing an architectural plan, etc. There is a lot to do before the annual meeting! We will publish regular updates on the progress with 605. The first official update will be after the Board meeting on August 28. Armistead Boyd, who chaired the 605 committee, will head the building committee.

NOMINATIONS:  Do not forget, nominations for Officers and the Board must be submitted to Mike Pridgen, Nominations Committee Chair, no later than September 15. Forms can be downloaded from – Quick Links page. No log in is necessary. We will be electing a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, 2 Board Members for 3 year terms, and 1 Board Member for a 1 year term.

STANDING COMMITTEES:  If you would like to serve on a Standing Committee beginning November 1, contact and let me know which committee you prefer. The Standing Committees, with descriptions of duties, are listed on the Documents page of the website under Current Policies.


Sunday, August 18 – Fried Chicken or BBQ Pulled Pork

Monday, August 19 – Fried Cod and Shrimp

Tuesday, August 20 – Taco Night: Mahi, Beef, and Chicken Tacos or Bowls

Thursday, August 21 – Italian Night: Chicken Parmesan or Eggplant Rollatini

Friday, August 22 – Surf ‘N Turf: Prime Aron and Grilled Shrimp


Sunday, August 18 at 7:00 – Party on the Porch! Don’t let the rain keep you away – if necessary we will move into the dining room. Bring your favorite beverage and an appetizer to share. Enjoy the delicious food, music by Bub White, and fellowship with friends!  Hosts: Jan Sheppard and Bo & Miriam Wessell

Wednesday, August 28 at 6:00 – Board Meeting

Saturday, August 31 at 6:30 – LOW COUNTRY BOIL! Reservations necessary by August 24 to allow time to purchase food.

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