The Nominating Committee is looking for members who love this club and want to have a voice in how it’s run. The committee consists of Armistead Boyd, Chair, Jean Lawler, and Jon Earnhart. We are looking for Regular Members to run for President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer which are all one-year terms. There will be 2 openings for the Board of Directors which is a 3-year term. Members of the Board should have adequate time and availability to attend 1-2 Board Meetings per month as well as serve on 1 or 2 Standing Committees.

Please contact anyone on the nominating committee to ask questions or volunteer to serve. Contact information for Nominating Committee members is located at the bottom of the Nominating Form found on the Quick Links page of the website.  Completed forms must be returned to Armistead Boyd by September 15.

Elections will be held at the Regular Meeting for Annual Members on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 2:00pm at the Club.

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