News ~ May 2, 2024

NEWS – MAY 2, 2024

SUMMER ROOM PAYMENT: Payment for summer room rentals is due tomorrow, May 3. Remember, you cannot pay online. You must call the Club office at 910-256-2726 to pay by credit card from 9-3 Monday through Friday. It is too late to mail a payment to be received by the Club tomorrow. Rooms not paid will be opened for rental by other members or their guests.

MEMBER SURVEY: Please don’t forget to complete the Member Survey. We need information from you to plan for the 2024-25 year. We want to make the Club dining room a place that everyone enjoys and visits frequently. Your input will help make that happen. To complete the survery use this link: We are extending the deadline by one day. You have until midnight Saturday, May 4 to submit the survey.

WORK DAY: We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came to the Work Day on Saturday. Members volunteering their time saves the Club money on maintenance and landscaping which keeps your dues low. The more volunteers we have, the better chance we have of preventing a dues increase. Our Club is an aging facility subject to very harsh conditions, so the cost of upkeep will continue to increase.

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET: The Mother’s Day Buffet is full and there is a waiting list. Please do not call for reservations. If spaces open, we will let you know.

SEASON OPENING LETTERS: The Secretary-Treasurer is working on opening letters. They will be ready to pick up beginning on Mother’s Day. A table will be set up in the parlor from 10:30-2:30 for members to pick up wristbands and letters. Beginning Monday, May 13 letters and wrist bands may be picked up in the office from 9-3 Monday through Friday. Those letters not picked up will be mailed on May 17. You will need to pick your wristbands up in the office on your first visit of the season. Your 2024 vehicle stickers will be included in the letters. If you have not paid your outstanding balance, you will not receive a letter. You will need to pick your letter up and pay your balance at the office.

OPENING WEEKEND PARTY: Our first social activity of the season will be Saturday, May 25 at 6:00pm. We’ll have a Party on the Porch featuring music by our own Bub White. Please bring an appetizer to share and your drink of choice. There will not be a bar at this event, so BYOB.


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