News ~ October 25, 2023

NEWS ~ October 25, 2023

Annual Meeting Notes: The Annual Meeting was held at the Club on Saturday, October 21. Officers and Board Members were elected.

President: Dan Harris

Vice-President: Armistead Boyd

Secretary/Treasurer: Laura Earnhart

1 Year Board Term: Clark Whitman

3 Year Board Terms: Lee Lambert and Hank Carter

Those present voted to keep the age for joining the Club at 26 or upon marriage, whichever comes first. They also voted not to increase the membership limit at this time. Initiation fees and dues will remain at the current level for this year.

Membership Facts: Only membership applications from children and grandchildren of current members are being accepted at this time. We continue to have a tremendous backlog of applications that we must process before accepting more. Please do not turn in membership applications for friends and family who do not meet this criteria. At the current time, we cannot accept members other than sons/daughters who apply before their 26th birthday or marriage. As per our Constitution, when Constitutional limits allow addition of members, preference will be given to children of current members.

If you turn 70, 75, or 80 and have been a member for the requisite number of years before November 1, you are eligible to change your membership status. Please complete the Application to Change Membership Status which is located on the Quick Links page of the website and return it to the office ASAP. We need to change membership status before dues bills are sent.

Committees: One of the first duties of the new Board is to appoint members to serve on Standing Committees. If you would like to serve, please call the office and give them your name and your committee preference. Committees include:






Social Activities

Duties of each committee are located on the Quick Links page of the website under Policies/Standing Committees. We urge both Regular and Seasonal members to volunteer. We accept Seasonal members on most committees.

Meetings and Parties: Now is the time to schedule meetings and parties for the next few months. We have a beautiful venue that includes a smart TV and drop-down screen and projector. Call the Club office for more details.

Upcoming Menus: These are the last meals for which you can use your dining room minimum! Call the office today for reservations.

Friday, October 27 6pm, Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp, Rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Green Beans and Bacon, Salad Bar, Rolls, and Dessert

Sunday, October 29 1PM, Fried Chicken or Pork Tenderloin, Mac and Cheese, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cabbage, Salad Bar, Rolls, Dessert

Long Sleeved Tees and Sweats: Preorders have arrived and are available for pick up in the Club office. Please pick them up as quickly as possible!

Short Sleeved Tees are on Sale: Take 25% off the price of any short sleeved tees in stock. These would make amazing Christmas gifts. Check in with the office for sizes/colors available.

Account Balances: The end of our fiscal year is Tuesday, October 31. All balances on accounts should be paid by that date. Either pay online or call the Club office and they can help.

Mark your calendars for holiday events! More information will be coming out.

November 16 (evening) – Fluff Christmas bows

November 18 (morning/afternoon) – Decorate the Club for Christmas

November 19, 1:00 – Thanksgiving dinner

November 25 – Flotilla

December 9 – Adult Christmas party

December 16 – Cookies with Santa

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