News ~ May 16, 2023

NEWS ~ May 16, 2023

PARKING STICKERS: Parking stickers were included with the opening letter. Please have the current sticker affixed to cars by May 27. The primary color will be orange. One car per family with the primary sticker will be the ones allowed to park on May 27th and July 4th.

WRISTBANDS: Stop by the office to pick up your orange wristband for 2023.


Opening Weekend – May 27 Porch Party: Come join us from 6-9 pm for the official “Opening Weekend” of our club. Members are asked to bring an appetizer to share. There will be live music and lots of fellowship! Guests are welcome to join you. While reservations are not required, we ask that you call the office with a number so we have sufficient supplies on hand. Tea, water and coffee provided, otherwise, BYOB of choice. Two raffle baskets full of summertime fun and essentials will be available. Tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for $20 (cash only). Vince Stout will be playing the steel drum.

Kid’s Day – June 24th: Join us from 5:00-8:00 pm for our annual Kid’s Day at the Club. $5 per child includes one Hot Dog ($8 pp if you’d like two dogs), Chips, Cookie and a juice box or water. Additional waters for sale for $1.00. Bounce House Obstacle course for the kids. Please call the office to secure your reservations by June 20.

Bingo! Bingo callers and dates have been finalized so plan to join us for one of the upcoming Bingo dates:

June 7 – Katelyn Gieschen

June 28 – Andy and Robby Collins

July 5 – Steve Lee

July 19 – Andrew Walden

August 2 – Kristy Midgett

August 16 – Brandi Batchelor

Save the Date for our Independence Day Celebration on July 4th. More information to follow.

Sunday lunch is back during the summer season this year.  Therefore, a continental breakfast will be served on Sunday morning.  Otherwise, we will offer a full breakfast Monday-Saturday.  If you know that you are coming to breakfast, please give the Office a heads-up but we won’t turn you away if you drop by.

SUNDAY LUNCH MENUS (Make your reservation by Thursday morning):

May 21st 12:30 – Fried Chicken or Pork Tenderloin, Mac and cheese,

Sweet Potato Casserole, Cabbage, Salad Bar, Rolls, Dessert

May 28th 12:30 – Fried Chicken or BBQ Pork, Slaw, Green beans with Bacon,

Potato Salad, Slaw with Pork orders, Salad Bar, Rolls, Dessert

Weeknight dinners will start with our Friday Surf & Turf on May 26. More details to come.

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