News ~ September 2, 2022

SHRIMPEROO!  Thanks to all who made reservations for Saturday’s Shrimperoo! We are looking forward to a large crowd to celebrate Labor Day. The food serving line will be open from 6:00-7:30. Bars will be located on both first and second floor porches with free beer and wine for Shrimperoo participants from 6:00-9:00. Thanks once again to the Gray family and Custom Home Family Businesses for sponsoring this party. We could use a few volunteers to man the bars. The more help we have, the less time each voluteer will have to stay. Contact Cher Pridgen at if you are willing to donate an hour or two. No experience required. If you can grab a beer out of the cooler and pour a glass of wine – you are hired!

LONG SLEEVED TEES AND HOODIES: Orders are in and ready to be picked up. Stop by the Club office between 9-6 Saturday through Monday to get your shirts. Next week the hours are 10-3. You can pay or charge to your Club account. Orders that requested shipping will go out after Labor Day.  Shirts not picked up by October 1 will be charged to the member account.

FALL MEAL SCHEDULE: After Labor Day, we will move to our off-season meal schedule. Dinners will be served on Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00pm. Sunday lunch will be served at 1:00. Please make reservations early. If we don’t have enough reservations, the meal will have to be cancelled. Call all of your friends and come to the Club! Dining room minimums can be used until the end of October.


Friday September 9th ~ Fried Shrimp or  Fried Flounder, Fries, Corn, Green beans, Rolls,  Salad Bar,  Dessert

Sunday September 11th ~ Fried Chicken or  BBQ Pork, Collards,  Mashed Potatoes, Baked Beans, Slaw, Rolls,  Salad Bar, Dessert

Tuesday September 13th ~  Boneless Fried Chicken Breast with Cheese & Bacon or Baked Spaghetti,  Baked Potatoes, Broccoli, Buttered Sweet Corn,  Rolls, Salad Bar,              Dessert

Friday September 16th ~ Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp, Rice Pilaf, Fries, Green Beans, Rolls,  Salad Bar, Dessert

Sunday September 18th ~  Fried Chicken or  Meatloaf,  Mashed Potatoes, Collards, Baked Beans,  Cucumber salad, Rolls, Salad Bar,  Dessert

FALL OFFICE HOURS: The office will be open less hours in the fall. If you call and get the answering machine, leave a message and we’ll return your call. If the answering machine does not pick up, it means the attendant is on the phone and has someone on hold. Give them a few minutes and call back.

Monday through Friday  10-3          Saturday and Sunday   10-4

FIRST FLOOR HOURS: The first floor will be open approximately 7-7. If you need to get in the first floor before it opens, call the office in advance and get the combination for the oceanside door. If you let yourself in, be sure to turn lights out and lock up when you leave.

REVISED ROOM RATES: Room rates have not changed in several years. The Board has approved a rate increase which will take effect September 30. It has been decided that rooms 1 and 2 will now be charged at the same rate as all other bedrooms with 2 beds and no full baths.

Off-season rates will be:

Rooms 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 $372 member weekly, $59 member nightly

$554 guest weekly, $88 guest nightly

Rooms 5 and 6  $ 473 member weekly, $75 member nightly

$665 guest weekly, $104 guest nightly

Rooms 3, 4, and 14 $580 member weekly, $92 member nightly

$769 guest weekly, $122 guest nightly

On-season rates will be posted on the website next week.

We still have rooms available for rental during the fall season. Many of us think September and October are the most beautiful months of the year at the beach. Come and stay when the beaches are fairly empty, there is very little traffice, and you can get into restaurants without a wait!

ANNUAL MEETING:  The Annual Meeting for Regular Members will be held on Saturday, October 22 at 2:00 at the Club. Please mark your calendars and plan to come. And don’t forget, the deadline for submitting nominations for the Board is September 15. We are looking for someone willing to be Secretary-Treasurer. Please consider volunteering to run for this position!

Don’t forget – all merchandise is on sale!  Pick up a tee 25% off or grab a few cups or koozies greatly reduced.

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