News ~ February 15, 2022

NEWS ~ FEBRUARY 15, 2022

ROOM RESERVATIONS: It’s almost time to send in your reservation requests for the summer season. Members can mail requests beginning on Monday, March 7. Family/Guest requests can be mailed beginning on Monday, March 14. The updated Room Reservation Information Form and Room Reservation Form are both on the website. Be sure to read the information page carefully prior to completing your form. Go to and click on Quick Links to print the forms. Room information is near the top of the page.

A few hints for making reservations:

  1. Residents must supply their own sheets, towels, AND pillows. Mattress pads are laundered weekly.
  2. If you want to request 2 weeks, you must complete 2 forms. Be sure to note if the weeks must be consecutive.
  3. Forms MUST be mailed to the PO Box. You may NOT drop them by the office. The postmark is used when assigning rooms, so mail your forms on the first day possible to give you the greatest chance of getting a room.
  4. All dues and any other outstanding fees must be paid in full prior to requesting a room. If there is any balance on an account, requests will not be considered.
  5. If you want to request a room for a guest or want to stay with other family/friends that will need several rooms, your best chance of getting your request is to schedule in very early June, or after the first week in August. Between mid-June and the first week of August, nearly all weeks are filled, and some weeks have a substantial waiting list.
  6. Check in time is 4:00pm on Saturday. Check out time is 10:00am on the following Saturday.
  7. The Room Assignment Committee works extremely hard to try to fairly assign rooms. It is very difficult when we have 25+ requests for 14 rooms. It is always helpful when members provide an alternate week. By providing an alternate week, you have a much better chance of having your request granted.
  8. You may NOT request a room under your membership but allow a non-member to occupy the room without you. For eample, you cannot rent a room and give it to your adult child who is not a member. They can stay in the room WITH you – but you must occupy the room you reserve.
  9. Room assignments are based on the number of people sharing a room and the need for a full bath. There are only 2 large rooms (3 beds) and 3 rooms with full baths. The committee tries to be fair and meet the needs of our members. Be sure to state the names and ages of ALL members and guests who will occupy a room to make our jobs easier. Also, those who are handicapped or require a walk-in shower are given priority for room 14. Be sure to state on your form if you NEED room 14.
  10. Members ALWAYS receive priority over guests when scheduling rooms.
  11. Bills will be e-mailed by April 1 and all rooms must be paid by May 6.
  12. All room bills must be paid by the member requesting the room. If you are reserving a room for a guest, you must pay the bill and be reimbursed by your guest.
  13. If you reserve and pay for your room and need to cancel, you will receive a refund if you cancel at least 3 weeks before move-in date or your room in re-rented. In an emergency, the Board can approve a refund if less than 3-week notice is given; however, the member must request the refund in writing.

HOODIES: We have a few periwinkle hoodies in stock. There are two (2) large, three (3) 2XL, and one (1) 3XL. To purchase a hoodie, call the Club office Monday through Friday from 9-3. First come, first served!

OFFICE HOURS: The office and bathrooms on the second floor are open Monday through Friday from 9-3. Beginning in March, the first floor will be open from 9-5 on weekends. We will keep you informed of hours starting in April.

TEES: It’s almost time for us to order merchandise for the season. If you are on FaceBook, be sure to join the Hanover Seaside Club private FB page. This page is ONLY for current members. We will be posting a few surveys between now and summer to give members the opportunity to provide input on a variety of topics. The first survey will be choosing colors/styles of Club tees. We had such overwhelming approval of last year’s design, we will continue with it for this year. We will be choosing different colors and perhaps offering a ladies fit tee.


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