News ~ May 3, 2021

NEWS ~ MAY 3, 2021

COVID UPDATE: The Covid Taskforce met on Sunday, May 2, 2021 to update the HSC Policy following the Governor’s Executive Order which went into effect on Friday, April 30 at 5:00pm. The Taskforce unanimously agreed to the following:

Henceforth, unless future developments dictate, the HSC Covid Policy will be the guidelines set forth by the Governor’s current executive order regarding Face Coverings, Meeting Spaces and Reception Venues, Restaurants, and Mass Gathering, and other future Section of Executive Orders that may apply to the Hanover Seaside Club. This policy means that any restrictions currently in place that are more restrictive than those set forth by the Governor are repealed.

A few of the changes:

  1. No masks are required outside anywhere on Club property. This includes parking lots, walkways, porches, sound side, etc. We discourage members and their guests from congregating in areas (like the boardwalk to the beach) that can easily get crowded, forcing people to be in close proximity.
  2. There is no limit on the number of people who can sit together, at one table, in the dining room.
  3. Guest are allowed, and guest passes will be sold on weekdays and weekends – except on holidays and days listed in the Rules and Opening letter.
  4. Members staying on the 3rd floor may have guests. Guests must be checked in through the office and must wear masks inside the building.

The following rules remain in effect:

  1. Masks must be worn at all times inside the building except when sitting and actively eating/drinking.
  2. Only guests of those staying on the 3rd floor are allowing on the floor, including porches.
  3. Unvaccinated members and their guests should socially distance from others not in their household.

For those interested in reading the Governor’s Executive Order, it is linked HERE for you. Areas that are necessary for the HSC to follow are highlighted in yellow.

We have had several questions concerning limitation on numbers in our dining room and booking parties and events for the summer and fall. While the Governor’s Order states that indoor restaurants can be at 75% (which for us would be around 80 people) the Order also states that tables must be 6 feet apart. When putting our tables at the required distance, we can seat approximately 55-60 people, depending upon size of tables. Also, while mass gatherings have been increased to 100 inside, there are other provisions that we must follow. Our dining room, when used for private parties, falls under the same category as Meeting Spaces, Convention Centers, and Reception Venues. The rules for these spaces are as follows:

  1. Guests must Be Seated. To limit the degree to which Guests at the facility may come into contact with one another and spread COVID-19, a facility covered by this Subsection is closed unless it is or becomes a seated establishment for Guests. Guests must be in seats except to pay, enter, leave, use amenities, visit the restroom, and obtain food or drink.
  2. Capacity Restrictions. While this Executive Order is in effect, all open facilities covered by this Subsection must limit Guests in indoor and outdoor seating areas to Emergency Maximum Occupancy. Under this Executive Order, the Emergency Maximum Occupancy for a facility is the lowest number produced by applying the following tests: 1. Overall. The facility must limit Guests to fifty percent (50%) of the stated fire capacity for each indoor and outdoor space controlled by the facility. For rooms or spaces without a stated fire capacity, the limit on Guests is twelve (12) per one thousand (1000) square feet, rounded up.
  3. Social Distancing Required. The facility must limit the number of Guests in the space so that groups can stay six (6) feet apart.

This means, that if we book a party in our facility, the party would be limited to about 55 guests, the guests must wear masks except when eating/drinking, and guests must remain seated at their table nearly 100% of the time. Guests could not mingle/interact with others outside of their household. Since this would be impossible to enforce, the Covid Committee has determined that we will not book parties until current Orders, in effect until June 1, are changed.

The Governor has stated that he would like to further reduce restrictions for the summer, but the way for that to happen is for more adults to be vaccinated. His goal is that 66% of adults have at least one vaccine before opening our state further. Our Club is a family club, and the Covid Committee feels that it is our responsibility to protect all members and their guests. We encourage all adults to get the Covid-19 vaccine if they have not done so. Getting vaccinated protects you, your family, your Club friends, and will allow us to remove the restrictions so that we can enjoy a happy, healthy summer at our Club and Summer Home.

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET: Mother’s Day is just a few days away. Garrett, our Food Services Manager, has planned an amazing menu to celebrate our Mothers. Call as quickly as possible to secure your reservation for either the 11:30 or 1:30 seating. You may eat in the dining room or have a meal to go. Right now, Sunday’s forecast is lots of sunshine and 80 degrees! Sounds like a perfect gift to our mothers!

OBITUARIES: We are sad to announce that two of our long-time Club members have passed away. Please keep their friends and families in your thoughts and prayers. We will miss these two women who were such an active part of our Club. If you click on their name, you can see their complete obituary.

Dottie Harrelson Matthews

Jane Inman

605 S. LUMINA: The 605 S. Lumina Committee and Interior Design Committee are busy purchasing last minute items to make our rental property the best on Wrightsville Beach. We think you will be as pleased as we are when you tour the units during the Open House on May 22 between 10-2. We know that many of you have probably read more books and put together more puzzles in the last 12 months that you have in any year of your lives! If you have books and puzzles in excellent condition that you would like to donate, we will place a few in each of our rental units. We will accept either hardback or paperback books – but preferably not books that were in your beach bag when that rogue wave snuck up and drowned the contents. And please, no puzzles that are missing pieces. We don’t want puzzle rage from our renters!

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