Monthly Archives: April 2021

News ~ April 30, 2021

NEWS ~ APRIL 30, 2021

WORKDAY: A Member Work Day will be held Saturday, May 1 from 8-12. Please come help us get your Club ready for the season. We need helpers to work with small, easy repair jobs and minor landscaping. Bring yard tools, small hand tools, and anything else you have that might work. We appreciate our members who volunteer their time to help with our facility.

MASK MANDATE: The CDC has determined that masks are no longer needed outside when fully vaccinated people gather. Governor Roy Cooper adjusted the Executive Orders so that masks are no longer required outside. For unvaccinated people who can not remain 6 feet apart, masks are recommended. Beginning at 5:00 Friday, the Hanover Seaside Club will no longer require masks outside on porches, walkways, parking lots, etc. When entering the building, masks MUST be worn at all times except when sitting and actively eating/drinking. The Covid Committee will be meeting in a few days to discuss other ways the new Executive Order may affect Club operations.

ROOM RESERVATIONS: E-mails which include room/week assignments have been sent out to all members who reserved rooms. If you did not receive an e-mail, please call the Club office between 10-2. You may pay online at You must register for the new site to access your statement and pay online. The front desk can help you get registered. You may also pay by calling with a credit card number or mailing a check to our PO Box. All room payments must be paid by the member no later than Friday, May 21.

Rooms are still available many weeks during the summer. To reserve a room, call the front office (910-256-2726) between 10-2.

CLUB STAFF: Our search for a Club Manager and other staff continues. If you know of anyone looking for employment, please see the previous blogs for links to job descriptions and application. We still need a Manager, servers/snack bar workers, parking lot attendant, front desk attendant, and security attendant!


Elizabeth “Libit” Glenn has agreed to stay at the Club for the month of May while we interview candidates for the Manager’s position.  After Peter resigned, we decided to ask Libit to stay because she has an effervescent personality and has never met a stranger.

Libit is a native of Winston-Salem. She is retired, is very active in her Church, works with the Methodist Woman, and volunteers with a local community garden to help supply food to those in need.

She loves the beach and is always willing to accompany friends who might want to travel there for a week or a weekend. Please keep in mind that she is NOT an employee. Her ‘job’ will be to unlock the building in the morning, lock the doors at night, and be available overnight in case of emergency. If she helps out, it will be because that is who Libit is. She’ll reside in the Manager’s apartment. During the day she has been instructed to enjoy the beach, walk the loop, shop at the Assistance League Thrift Store, sit on the porch to relax and generally enjoy herself. If you see her, please introduce yourself and make her feel

PARKING STICKERS/GUEST PASSES: Season opening letters, including new parking stickers, will be mailed within 2 weeks. When you receive your stickers, please affix them to your cars immediately. As in the past, a single person will receive one sticker, a family with multiple vehicles will receive 2. If you are single and have two cars registered in your name, you can get a 2nd sticker at the Club office. Families receive a maximum of 2 stickers. If you have more licensed drivers, anyone without a sticker can get a day pass in the office at no change. This must be done daily.

We are having increasing problems with unauthorized vehicles in our parking lot, and nonmembers using our facility. To combat this problem, our first goal is to monitor the parking lot stringently. All cars in our lot MUST have either a current parking sticker OR a Guest Pass at all times. Towing will be strictly enforced! If any car is found in the lot during office hours (summer season 10-6) without a sticker or guest pass, the car will be towed at the owner’s expense. Guest passes can be purchased for $10 per day from the office. After 4:00, there will be no charge for passes, but a pass must be picked up from the office and placed in the car. If the office is closed, please write a note with the member’s name and guest’s name on a sheet of paper and place it on your windshield so we will know who cars belong to. Any unidentified cars WILL BE TOWED.

LOCKERS: Small lockers in the snack bar area are ready for use after painting during the winter. Be sure to go to the office and pay for your locker prior to putting items in them. Remember, a lock must be on every locker at all times.

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET: The Mother’s Day Buffet is filling up quickly, so call today for your reservations! We are limited on the number of seats we can have in our dining room but take outs will be available if you would like to eat lunch on a picnic table or one of our beautiful porches.


Thanks to the extremely hard working 605 Committee, our duplex is ahead of schedule and on budget! You can see more interior and exterior pictures at Furniture has not arrived, but should be in place in a couple of weeks. We will begin renting the units Memorial Day weekend.  Rentals have really picked up! If you know anyone interested, they should reserve quickly.

We would like to invite members to an OPEN HOUSE, Saturday, May 22 from 10-2. You will be able to tour the completed duplex. Everyone must wear a mask when entering the building. The number of members allowed inside at one time will be restricted; therefore,  we ask that members not congregate and socialize inside to allow more members to view the duplex.  We think you are going to be impressed with our propeerty!

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News ~ April 22, 2021

NEWS ~ April 22, 2021

ROOM RESERVATIONS: The Committee responsible for making room reservations met last weekend. All members who requested rooms for themselves or a guest were given either their first or second choice week, but not necessarily the room requested. Some of the rooms have extremely high request rates, so we do our best to make everyone as happy as possible. Bills will be e-mailed in the near future. You can pay your bill online by going to and logging in. Bills will be available online within the next few days. Click on Statements and you will see your balance. The statement does not show the week/room number of your reservation – only your total. The other information will be in the e-mail you receive. If you have not registered for the new website, please follow these INSTRUCTIONS and register. If you have difficulty, call the Club office, or contact for assistance.

NOTE: If a member makes a reservation for a guest, the room must be paid for by the member. We will not accept room payment from guests. However, guest can pay for their meals at check-out.

We have several rooms open for the following weeks. Call the Club office to make reservations! Remember, you may make reservations for guests even if you will not be staying with them

June 19-26

June 26-July 3

July 3-10

July 10-17

August 7-14

August 14-21

August 21-28

August 28-September 6

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET: We will offer two seatings for our delicious Mother’s Day Buffet on Sunday, May 9. Seatings will be 11:30 and 1:30. Call the Club office quickly to make reservations as this meal almost always sells out. As always, you can request take-out, or you can dine inside. Garrett, our Food Services Manager has developed a mouth-watering menu for your dining pleasure!

Chicken Cacciatore

Shrimp with feta cheese

Herb roasted potatoes

Vegetable medley

Green bean almondine

Parmesan broccoli

Roasted Brussel sprouts

Roasted red pepper and tomato bisque

Double chocolate cake with butter cream frosting

Sweet rolls

SUMMER STAFF: We are in the process of hiring summer staff for the Club. Listed below are links to the Job Descriptions for each position which includes an overview, as well as qualifications and requirements. There is also a link to the application. If you know of anyone looking for part-time employment, please share the information. Applications can be e-mailed to

Front Desk Attendant

Kitchen Staff


Snack Bar Attendant

Parking Lot Attendant

Security Attendant


TEE SHIRT SALE! Out with the old so we have room to bring in the new! We have a few of last year’s tees and polos marked down. We have mostly large sizes in blue, rust, orange, and teal. Polos are $18 and Tees are $10. Call the office to find out exactly what sizes and colors are available.



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Search for Club Manager


Peter Bourne, our Club Manager, has resigned effective April 30. We are searching for a replacement and need to fill the position with a qualified candidate as quickly as possible. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please share the JOB DESCRIPTION. Any interested party should complete the APPLICATION and submit it, along with a resume, to:

Jan Sheppard, President

Hanover Seaside Club

PO Box 434

Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480


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