News – February 7, 2021

Club Office Reopening: The 2nd floor and office will reopen on Monday, February 8. The office hours remain 10:00-2:00. Restrooms will be available on the 2nd floor any time the office is open. Please remember, you must wear a mask to enter the building and only one person/family may enter the office area at the time.

First Floor Closing: The first floor will close Monday, February 8, 2021 and will remain closed until freezing weather is over. The water will be cut off on both sound side and at the berm. The shower at the cook shed will be available. Please turn it off completely when you are finished. It is a freeze proof faucet that drains into the ground. If not turned off completely, it continues to run which will waste water and increase our utility bills.

Unpaid Dues: Remember, dues not paid by January 15 are past due. According to our Constitution, any member failing to pay annual dues shall be automatically suspended and shall be denied the privileges of membership until such dues are paid. Acceptance of full arrears and restoration of membership shall be within the discretion of the Board. You can pay dues online at You must be registered to view your statement and pay online. You may also pay by calling the Club office or mailing a check to the PO Box. Contact the Club office for any questions.

Lockers and Boat Stickers: Your statement did not include billing for any lockers (chair, surfboard, inside) or boat stickers. You will pay for those at the Club office prior to Memorial Day weekend. More information will be in the season opening letter that goes out in early May. Automobile stickers will be included with the opening letter.

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