News – February 28, 2021

ROOM RESERVATIONS: The Room Reservation Information Letter and Room Reservation Form have been updated and placed on the website under Quick Links. Please read the letter carefully as there have been some changes this year. The letter is two pages long and includes Covid information for residents renting rooms. While the Covid numbers are trending in the right direction, the Governor’s Executive Orders and CDC guidelines have not changed significantly since we closed; therefore, we will be starting the season much as we ended last year. When it is safe to do so, we will alter our guidelines. Be sure to check the blog and read e-mails sent to you so that you can stay abreast of the changes.

This year we will go back to a 7-night rental. To make that happen, we are moving check-out time to 10:00am to give the cleaning contractor plenty of time to clean the 3rd floor. It is imperative that the entire 3rd floor be empty by 10:00am, so we will change a $50/hour late fee for any resident checking out after 10:00. If Covid numbers start increasing or we have problems with the turn-around time, it is possible that we may have to go back to a 6-night stay. We hope that will not be the case. You can help insure a 7-night stay by emptying your trash cans, wiping all surfaces, cleaning your bathroom, and sweeping well.

If a member rents a room for a guest, the member must pay the rental fee when billed. All room rental payment must come from a member. However, when the guest checks out, they may pay for their meals.

Remember – residents must now bring their own sheets, towels, AND pillows! Mattress pads are washed weekly.

A few hints to insure you get the room of your choice the week of your choice:

1.     Member requests may be mailed beginning March 22, with guest requests to follow on March 29

2.     If you want to request 2 weeks, you must complete 2 forms. Be sure to note if the weeks must be consecutive.

3.     The forms must be mailed to the PO Box – you may NOT drop them by the office – and the postmark is used when assigning rooms

4.     All dues and any other outstanding fees MUST BE PAID in full to request a room

5.     If you want to request a room for a guest or want several rooms the same week for your family/friends, choose a week in very early June or later August to have the best chance of getting your request. From early-June through mid-August, nearly all rooms are needed for members and it is difficult to keep large groups together.

6.     Every year there are several weeks that have WAY more requests than we have rooms. For one week in July last year, there were 28 requests for 14 rooms. It helps tremendously if you can provide an alternate week. The committee who assigns rooms works extremely hard to help all our members have the vacation they desire. By providing an alternate week, you have a better chance of having your request granted. If you are not able to provide an alternate due to work, school, or family responsibilities, please note that on your form.

7.     You may NOT request a room under your membership but allow a non-member to occupy the room without you. For example, you cannot rent a room and give it to your adult child who is not a member. They can stay with you, but you must also occupy the room.

8.     Room assignments are made based on the number of people sharing a room and the need for a full bath. There are only 2 large rooms (3 double beds), and 3 rooms with full baths. The room selection committee tries to be fair and meet the needs of all members. Be sure to state the names and ages of all members and guests who will occupy a room to make it easier for us to do our job.

9.     Members ALWAYS receive priority over guests when scheduling rooms

10. Be sure to pay for your room by the due date (May 21) or you could lose your reservation

11. If you reserve and pay for your room then need to cancel, you will receive a full refund if you cancel at least 3 weeks before move-in date or your room is re-rented. In an emergency, the Board can approve a refund if less than 3 weeks are given, but the member must make a request in writing.

CLUB OPENING: The Club will open on Thursday, April 1. Room reservations can be made now for off-season stays beginning on or after April 1. Meals will be served on Friday evening and Sunday lunch beginning on Friday, April 2. Our Easter Buffet will be held on Sunday, April 4. There will  be 2 seatings – 11:30 and 1:30. Entry times will be staggered to ensure that we do not have too many people gathering in the hallway. Be sure to arrive at the time you are given when you make reservations. Menu and more information will be provided in the next week or two.

PRIVATE PARTIES: The latest Governor’s Executive Order allows groups of 25 or less to meet indoors. The Club will immediately begin taking reservations from members for gatherings of no more than 25 people beginning April 1. While guests may attend member parties, NO GUEST SPONSORED EVENTS will be scheduled at this time. Also, no parties larger than 25 will be scheduled either indoors or outdoors.

To schedule a party, the member must complete a party contract and agree that:

1. The Guest List with phone numbers and email addresses must be submitted to the Club Manager 24 hours prior to the scheduled event.

2. This reservation will only be honored if, at the scheduled event date, the Governor’s current Executive Order allows groups no larger than 25 to gather in indoor spaces.

3. During the gathering, guests will be required to “social distance” and wear a face covering at all times except when seated at their assigned table AND actively eating or drinking.

As Executive Orders allow, we will begin to schedule larger events. To schedule a party, call the Club Office to make an appointment to complete your contract and pay the non-refundable deposit. Be sure to read the Party Policy which is on the Quick Links page.

FIRST FLOOR REOPENING: As we advised weeks ago, the first floor has been winterized and will remain closed until the threat of freezing is past. Sometimes that’s hard to understand when we have sunny, 75 degree or warmer days. The process of winterizing the first floor is time consuming. It is not something that can be done every time the weather changes. The first floor will be open no later than April 1. If it can open earlier, we will let you know. Until then, the bathrooms on the 2nd floor are available daily from 10-2.


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