News ~ October 1, 2020

NEWS ~ OCTOBER 1, 2020

SUNDAY LUNCH IS BACK! We are now serving Sunday lunch along with dinner on Tuesdays and Fridays. Remember, you must call for reservations by the day before. You will state your entree preference when reservations are made. You can eat in or take out. Your Dining Room Minimum expires the end of October, so use it or lose it! The Snack Bar is closed for the year. We were pleased to hear so many compliments on the food quality and service this year. We are already planning to make next summer better than ever!


Friday, Oct 2 ~ Fried Flounder or Fried Shrimp

Sunday, Oct 4 ~ Fried Chicken and BBQ Pork

Tuesday, Oct 6 ~ Chicken and Dumplings and Pot Roast

Friday, October 9 ~ Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp

Sunday, October 11 ~ Fried Chicken and BBQ Pork

Tuesday, October 13 ~ Chicken Parmesan and Lasagna

Friday, October 16 ~ Fried Flounder or Fried Shrimp

ANNUAL MEETING OF REGULAR MEMBERS: The latest Governor’s Executive Order continues to limit inside gatherings to 25; therefore, the Annual Meeting will be held in the parking lot – just like the August Special Called Meeting. The main parking lot will be closed on Saturday, October 24 from 12:00 – 4:00. Regular Members should have received their information for the meeting. If not, call the Club office. We are still in need of volunteers to help us check in members, count votes in the parking lot, and count secret ballot votes, Call the Club office if you can help us that day!

LOCKERS: Today is the deadline for cleaning out the small, square lockers in the snack bar area. Tomorrow, staff will start cutting locks and disposing of contents of lockers. We will start our painting project in the next few days.

605 S. LUMINA PROGRESS: If you have been to the Club lately, you have probably noticed that construction is underway on the duplex at 605. The pilings have been set and framing has begun. We are on schedule to complete the building and have renters in place around July 1. Anyone who has built a house knows how much goes into the construction end – choosing everything from flooring, to counter tops, to plumbing fixtures, and wall colors, etc. Add to that starting from scratch to purchase appliances, furniture, decor, kitchen essentials, and everything a renter will want. As you can tell, it’ a daunting task. Thankfully, we have help. Jan Sheppard, Armistead Boyd, and Ernie Alexander are coordinating with the builder and keeping construction on track. A subcommittee composed of Elise Beall, Nancy Noel May, Kim Edwards and Megan Beall are working with Jan, Armistead and Ernie to make decisions on interior/exterior colors, roof color, floor covering, furniture, etc. John Gray, owner of Custom Home Furnishings and Niche Decor and Gifts and HSC member, has volunteered his designers to help us. We are all excited about this project and look forward to watching it take shape. I will try to post pictures about once a month so that you can see what’s happening!

COVID UPDATE: Yesterday Governor Cooper announced that we will be moving to Phase 3 on Friday. At first glance it doesn’t appear that this move will change things for us at the Club. The Covid Committee will be meeting Sunday night. If there are any changes, we will let you know. We have been very lucky that we have been able to remain open thus far with no exposures. Please remain vigilant – wear your masks INSIDE AND OUTSIDE from Lumina Avenue to the beach strand, remain 6 feet apart, and wash your hands often.

ROOM AVAILABILITY: We still have rooms available for the fall. We are very flexible on move-in and out dates. You must reserve at least a two-night stay, otherwise we can work around your schedule if rooms are available. Call the Club Office for questions on reservations!


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