News ~ August 22, 2020

NEWS ~ August 22, 2020

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Board has selected the following Regular Members to serve on the nominating committee for 2020: Elise Beall, Chair, Jean Lawler, and Beverly Alexander. The Nominating Committee will be soliciting Regular Members to run for one- year terms for President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. They will also be choosing members to fill 2 three-year terms on the Board of Directors. Any Regular member may nominate themself for a Board position. Any member may nominate a Regular member for a position, but first please make sure you have their permission. The slate of nominees must be mailed to Regular members by September 24; therefore, we need nomination forms as quickly as possible with a September 15 deadline. Nomination forms are found on the Quick Links page of the website or you can click HERE. Instructions for submission are located on the bottom of the form.

MEMBERSHIP STATUS: There are several different categories of membership outlined in the HSC Constitution. To move from one category to another, you must meet the requirements listed below and complete a form found on the Quick Links page of the website. A recent check of our data base shows that we have quite a few members who are eligible to move into one of the categories listed. If you would like to apply for membership status change, please complete the form and mail it to the Club, or drop it at the front desk no later than October 1. If you know a member who meets the criteria but is not computer savvy, please share the information. They can call the Club office and a form will be mailed to them.

The member must meet the age requirement prior to November 1 in order to request a change.

A. A “Regular 70” member is a regular member with 30 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 70. Dues will be frozen at the amount in effect at the beginning of the year upon reaching eligibility. A “Regular 70” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (B) except they may not vote on matters concerning dues.

B. A “Seasonal 70” member is a seasonal member with 30 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 70. Dues will be frozen at the amount in effect at the beginning of the year upon reaching eligibility. A “Seasonal 70” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (C).

C. A “Regular 75” member is a regular member with 35 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 75. Dues for this member will be 1/2 of the frozen dues upon reaching eligibility. A “Regular 75” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (B) except they may not vote on matters concerning dues and will only have to pay 1/2 of any assessment.

D. A “Seasonal 75” member is a seasonal member with 35 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 75. Dues for this member will be 1/2 of the frozen dues upon reaching eligibility. A “Seasonal 75” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (C).

E. A “Regular Honorary Life” membership will be given to a regular member with 40 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 80. Dues for this member will be waived upon reaching eligibility and they will not be subject to assessment. A “Regular Honorary Life” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (B) except they may not vote on matters concerning dues or assessment.

F. A “Seasonal Honorary Life” membership will be given to a seasonal member with 40 or more years continuous membership in the Hanover Seaside Club and having reached the age of 80. Dues for this member will be waived upon reaching eligibility and they will not be subject to assessment. A “Seasonal Honorary Life” member will be entitled to all the rights and privileges outlined in Article V, Section 1 (C).

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP: If you have been a Seasonal Member for at least 5 years, you may apply to have your membership converted to Regular Member when spaces become available. Priority is given to those Seasonal Members who participate in Club activities, serve on committees, and volunteer for activities such as Hurricane Crew, workdays, decorating for holidays, etc. If you would like to apply for a change in status, complete the form found on the Quick Links page of the website and mail it to the Club or drop it at the front desk.

DINING ROOM MINIMUM: There are plenty of opportunities left to use your dining room minimum. You can order from the snack bar Tuesday through Sunday, or eat in the dining room Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday evening. Our tables are spaced apart to ensure social distancing; however, if you do not feel comfortable eating inside, you can have your dinner packaged for takeout. Dining room minimums expire on October 31 – so USE IT OR LOSE IT!

SNACK BAR: The Snack Bar is open Tuesday through Sunday through Labor Day. We did a quick survey on FaceBook asking if members were interested in keeping the Snack Bar open on weekends in September. The response was overwhelmingly YES! So, the snack Bar will be open from 11-2 on Saturdays and Sundays through September 27. If you have not eaten at the Snack Bar this year – you are missing out. The food is delicious, fast, hot, and very reasonably priced.

DINING ROOM OPERATIONS: For many years, the Board has worked with management to make our dining operations more financially viable. We are proud to announce that the Operations Committee working closely with our new Manager, Peter, and Food Services Manager, Garrett, have had success this summer. Even with the downturn in diners due to Covid-19, our dining room is making a profit! When you see Peter, Garrett, and the staff, be sure to thank them for their continued hard work. They are both doing an amazing job for us.

WE NEED YOUR HELP: Keeping the Club operating is a huge task. If you see something that is wearing or broken, please notify the front desk so we can get it fixed. Staff can’t be everywhere and see everything, so we need members to keep us informed. If you would like to suggest improvements, you can leave a note at the front desk and they will get the information to the appropriate committee. We are currently working on our 2020-21 Budget, so this is the time to provide input.


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