Season Opening Letter/Website Registration

Instead of mailing our season opening letter this year, we are e-mailing it to those for whom we have e-mail addresses. This saves money on printing, envelopes, staff time, and postage. This information will be mailed to those without email addresses in our data base. Also, our new website is ready for use. You must register for the site by following the instructions listed below. Please ready the instructions carefully.
Just click on the following links for information:
The instructions for website registration were written for desktop/laptop computers. You may register on your mobile device, but where items are located may differ. The site is fairly intuitive (once you get registered), so I think you will figure it out. If not, contact the office.
We still do not have complete contact information on all of our members. Emails, bounce, mailed documents (bills, letters, etc.) are returned, and we don’t have a current telephone number for everyone. If you have not done so, please update your information by completing the survey found on the Quick Links Page of our website at You can click HERE to view and print the form. The survey says 2019, but it is the form we are currently using. Use this form also if any of your information has changed, you have gotten married, moved, etc. We need to be able to contact members to keep them informed. You can e-mail the form to or drop it at the front desk when we open the office.
Remember, for now the office is open only for telephone calls. If you need to get car or boat stickers, complete the appropriate form, and e-mail it to the manager e-mail address along with your phone number. A staff member will contact you to inform you how to pick up your sticker. The office is open 10-2 today through Monday.
Our new manager, Peter, will be onsite the middle of next week. For the past two months, Jan Sheppard, Cher Pridgen, Elise Beall, the staff, and the Operations, House, and COVID-19 Committees have been doing double duty. We will work on getting Peter trained quickly so that at least the business side of the Club will get back to normal. As for the rest, we will keep you informed.
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