News ~ May 31, 2020

News ~ May 31, 2020


The 605 South Lumina Committee has been working hard for the Club. In the next couple of weeks, the plans will go to selected builders to get estimates. Once estimates are in, the committee will once again speak with bankers to find our best options for financing. At that point, the Regular Membership will need to vote on the builder and financing. We cannot meet until the Governor moves us to a phase that allows enough people to meet in one location to approve the motions. We are hoping that will happen by the end of July. So please save the date of Saturday, August 1 at 10:00am for a called Regular Meeting at the Club. Our Constitution requires us to mail information 30 days prior to the meeting; therefore, letters will go out by July 1. If the Governor does not allow a gathering the size we need by August 1, we will have to cancel the meeting. We also may have to get creative to make our meeting happen while meeting any Executive Order in place on August 1. Our goal is to have the duplex complete and ready to rent for the 2021 summer rental season. Look for more information on this soon.


Our new manager, Peter Bourne, has moved in and started work. We are excited to have Peter on board. He brings several years of Assistant Manager experience at Beau Rivage where he worked with members and guests. He is looking forward to meeting our members and helping us make the most of our Club during difficult times. Please stop and introduce yourself to Peter when you see him at the Club.

The Dining Room and Third Floor rooms will open next weekend! We are excited to get our Club back to as close to normal as we can during these trying times. We are following all Executive Orders and CDC recommendations to keep our members safe and healthy. Our Club remains a wonderful place to enjoy a week at the beach. We have rooms open nearly every week during the summer. If you would like to make reservations, call the Club office at 910-256-2726. Rooms can be rented for guests – the only exception to guests on the premises. A member must make the reservations and is responsible for the member while they are our guests.
Remember, all members who wish to use the new website at must register. This site is going to be AMAZING! You will be able to make snack bar orders from the comfort of your beach chair, pay your bills on your phone, make dining reservations (once the COVID crisis is past), view the member roster, and lots more. HERE are instructions for registration. Get registered so you can take advantage of all we have to offer this summer.
Remember, parking stickers must be permanently affixed to the lower, passenger side of the windshield. They may NOT be taped to the windshield. Members are given stickers for a registered vehicle, so they should not be moved from car to car. And, of course, stickers can NOT be shared with other family members or friends who are not members. If stickers are shared with nonmembers, the member could lose parking privileges or be disciplined by the Board.
We are currently searching for a part-time security guard. Sadly, Danny, our security guard from last year has graduated from college and moved on. Until we hire someone specifically for security, our staff will be handling security duties along with their regular jobs. Please help them by watching out for people who are not treating our property with respect. We have ongoing problems at the sound with young people misbehaving, using inappropriate language, acting dangerously, and breaking Club rules. We feel that many, if not most, of them are nonmembers trespassing on our property. If you see someone misbehaving, ask if they are members and remind them that this is private property and they could be arrested for trespassing. You can also call the Club office to let them know when you see problems.
Because of problems with members and their children not following the rules, the Board has approved a Progressive Discipline Plan. We hope not to have to use this plan. If a staff member asks you to stop breaking a rule, comply and all will be well. If we see a child breaking a rule, we will try to find the parent and let them know what’s going on. We will only use this plan for members and their children who consistently break rules and do not respond to requests to stop.
The General Rules for the Club can be found HERE. Rules also include the COVID-19 rules that are posed in several blog posts over the past couple of weeks. Please make sure everyone in the family understands rules and the consequences for not following them.
This is what our Constitution says about discipline:
All members shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Club, as may be adopted by the Board, and a willful and persistent disregard of the same shall work the loss of membership or imposition of fine as may be determined by the Board at its discretion. Provided, however, the Board shall not impose a fine or terminate a membership unless and until such member has been afforded an opportunity to meet with the Board at a time and place determined by said Committee. In the event the Board determines that a member has willfully and persistently disregarded the rules and regulations of the Club, the Board may, by unanimous vote, terminate such member’s membership, or in lieu of terminating member, impose a fine upon such member.
Progressive Discipline Plan approved by the Board:
  • First offense – Personal phone call from the manager – verbal reprimand.
  • Second offense – Letter from the House Committee Chair noting the reported offense and stating that if there is a third offense of any type, disciplinary action up to and including a fine or suspension of membership could occur.
  • Third offense – Membership suspended. Member not allowed to use Club facilities for 7 days
  • Fourth offense – Membership suspended. Member not allowed to use Club facilities for 30 days + $100 fine
  • Fifth offense – Membership suspended for the remainder of the fiscal year (October 31)
  • Final offense –If member/family member comes onto Club property while suspended, membership will be terminated.



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