News – May 14, 2020

The Board approved the search committee’s recommendation to hire Peter Bourne as our new General Manager. Peter has experience as an Assistant Manager at Beau Rivage. He is young, energetic, enthusiastic, and a great communicator. Peter has accepted our offer. We expect him to begin his duties as manager no later than May 27. It will take us several weeks to get Peter trained and up to speed on our rules, policies, and computer management software, so please give him time to get acclimated.
We are pleased that Garrett will continue as our Food Services Manager this year. Quite a few of our staff from last summer will be returning. They enjoyed working at our Club with our members, and are excited to return. They worked well together and provided excellent service, so we are happy to have them return. Once we ascertain what our needs will be for this summer, we will hire additional staff, if needed. The General Manager, Food Services Manager, and all employees fall under the Operations Committee. If any problems occur, please do not go to the staff or manager directly. Contact one of the Co-Chairs of the Operations Committee, Cher Pridgen or Elise Beall, and we will handle the situation. Also, if you have suggestions for improvement or compliments for any of our staff, be sure to let us know. Our e-mail addresses are located in the Committee section of our website at
A survey was sent yesterday to all members who made reservations for the summer season. If you did not receive the survey, please contact We ask that all members with reservations complete the survey by 6:00pm on Saturday. If you had reservations but have already cancelled, you did not receive a survey.
As mentioned previously, the Board has appointed an expert committee composed of members with expertise in public health, medicine, insurance, food services, and custodial care to develop a plan of action for us as we progress through each phase of reopening. All plans meet CDC, state, and local guidelines with the major objective being to provide a safe environment for members, guests, and staff. The Board has approved the following recommendations for Phase 1:
1.  Proper screening and PPE for employees
     a.     Encourage any employee who is not feeling 100% well, to stay at home.
     b.     Upon arrival, before entering the building employee will be asked CDC Guideline Questions
              i.     Today or in the past 24 hours, have you had any of the following symptoms:
                      1      Fever, felt feverish, or had chills?
                      2.     Cough?
                      3.     Difficulty breathing?
               ii.     In the past 14 days, have you had contact with a person known or suspected to be infected with the novel                               coronavirus (COVID-19)?
     c.      Take employees temperature and record.
     d.     If employee fails screening, i.e. answers “YES” to either of the above questions or has a temperature above                           100.40, send employee home immediately.
2.  Provide employees with face masks and require employees to
      a.     Wear facemasks
      b.     Practice social distancing
      c.      Wash hands frequently. Particularly after every food delivery
      d.     Use Hand Sanitizers
3.   Provide On-line training to employees. Servsafe ( is offering FREE Food Safety and Career                     Development Training on their website until May 31.  (Ref: Provide workers with education about COVID-19                       prevention strategies, using methods like videos, webinars, or FAQs.42)
4.    Ensure that Social Distancing in practiced by all members
       a.     Porch Chairs will be arranged to ensure Social Distancing. Chairs are NOT to be moved.
       b.     Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at appropriate locations
       c.      Signage will be prevalent stating that all members are encouraged to wear facemasks, no bathroom facilities are                  available, and no entrance to the building is allowed.
       d.     Members are encouraged to enjoy the rocking chairs
       e.     No groups larger than 10 are allowed
       f.       No GUESTS will be allowed at the Club during this period
5.     Under no circumstances will anyone other than Staff be allowed in the Building
Parking Lot
Parking Lot is open to members with valid parking stickers ONLY. All other vehicles will be towed at owners’ expense. No guest passes will be given.
Outdoor Seating Areas
1.     Very limited outdoor seating will be available. Members utilizing out-door seat must be respectful of others and not linger and must practice Social Distancing. Under no circumstances, are the chairs to be moved.
2.     Rocking Chairs will be cleaned and sanitized by the Staff at close-of-business each day. Members are encouraged to bring their own disinfectant sprays or wipes to the club and to use them on chairs before and after use.
3.     No more than 10 members will be allowed at the Sound at one time.
Please make sure that everyone in your family understand the HSC rules. You may view them by clicking on RULES above. Even though the Club is not currently open, the rules still apply. The rule that does not allow bathing suits (wet or dry) on the 2nd floor also includes wet suits. Also, the rules state that
all children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times on club property. The Hanover Seaside Club cannot be responsible for their safety.
When cleaning the snack bar area, staff found a rudder and dagger board for a Sunfish on top of the lockers. Nothing should be stored on the lockers, so they have been removed. If these are yours, please contact the office at 910-256-2726 to make arrangements to pick up your property. If these items are not claimed by June 7, they will be discarded.
The surfboard locker on the north side of the Club, under the kitchen, contains several items that do not belong. There are surfboards and chairs stored that are not on a shelf, but stacked on top. Those items must be removed by June 7 or they will be discarded. We no longer have space to store equipment under 605 S. Lumina (the A Frame), so we have no choice but to get rid of items stored incorrectly. Remember, you must keep all personal possessions in your locker – not on the porches, snack bar shelves, under stairwells, above lockers, or in the surfboard locker (except on the shelf you rent). The outside chair storage shelves are for those renting rooms only.
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