COVID-19 UPDATE – MAY 28, 2020

Hanover Seaside Club Re-Opening Plan: Update May 28, 2020

The COVID-19 Committee, the Operations and House Committees, and the Board of Directors are working extremely hard to open the Club as quickly and safely as possible for members and staff. Our first priority is the health of everyone who comes onto our property. As guidelines and orders change, our rules and regulations will change. Hopefully, as the summer progresses we can loosen some of the rules. We will provide updates as often as possible to keep members informed.

Please make sure everyone in your household knows and understands the rules and regulations. Please be respectful to our staff. They do not make policy, yet they are required to enforce it.

Rules from last week continue. 

  1. First floor is open for restrooms. No showers or changing rooms are available.
  2. Masks must be worn when entering the building – even when just going to the bathroom. Masks are recommended when outside on porches.
  3. Per NC Executive Order, only 26 people allowed in the snack bar area at any one time. Entrance door is the door on the south side – gravel lot. Exit door is the ocean side door. Members should only enter and exit the correct door to prevent passing too closely to other members.
  4. Only two people or one family is allowed on the elevator at one time. Except for the main front steps to the 2nd floor, only one person/family should be on the steps at once. The person going UP has the right of way. No passing on stairs is allowed. When using the main steps, keep right.
  5. Disinfection of high touch surfaces will be moved to every 4 hours. Disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer will be located throughout the Club for member use.
  6. No groups larger than 10 will be allowed indoors. Outside groups are limited to 25.

No guests are allowed on Club property  

  1. No guest parking passes will be given.
  2. Passes for members who do not have a parking sticker (3rd car in a family) will be given out from the office on Monday through Friday from 10:00 to 4:00. The person requesting the pass must show ID and provide their member number. No passes will be given on weekends.
  3. Cars without stickers or day passes will be towed.
  4. Guests may NOT ride with a member and use Club facilities including walkways, porches, and sound property.
  5. The only exception to the no guest policy is guests renting rooms when the 3rd floor re-opens.

May 28 – The office, 2nd floor restrooms and Parlor will open 

  1. Only one person/family will be allowed in the office at one time.
  2. Per NC Executive Order, only 5 people or one family will be allowed in the Parlor at one time.
  3. Hand sanitizer will be located at each entrance to the 2nd floor. Disinfectant spray will be placed in both restrooms on the 2nd floor. Bathrooms will be cleaned by staff every four hours, or as often as needed. Members are welcome to use disinfectant spray between cleaning times.

May 30 – The Snack Bar will open for drinks, ice cream and snacks. 

  1. Hours: 11-4 on Saturday and Sunday. 11-2:00 Tuesday through Friday. Closed on Monday. The snack bar may not open, or may have limited hours, during inclement weather. If there is not sufficient business, the Board will reconsider the hours.
  2. No money will change hands at the snack bar. All charges will first be removed from the dining room minimum. When the dining room minimum is exhausted, charges will be made to the members’ accounts. Members must pay all charges by the first of each month. Payment can be made online through the website. Members must register for the website to place online food orders and pay charges online.

June 6 – Third floor will open for those who reserved rooms. 

  1. On the first week, reservations will run from Saturday at 4:00pm until the next Saturday at 11:00am. After the first week, check-in will be Sunday at 4:00pm until Saturday at 11:00am.
  2. Only those members renting rooms will be allowed on the 3rd floor or 3rd floor porches.
  3. Social distancing must be maintained. Only one family or 5 people will be allowed to use the hallway at one time. To allow all upstairs residents the opportunity to use the hallway, time should be limited to 30 minutes.
  4. Masks must be worn when inside the building except when in your room and when going to and from the showers.
  5. Room doors should always remain closed.
  6. A maximum of 3 people or 1 family will be allowed on the sound side porch at once. The ocean side porch can accommodate 4 people or 1 family.
  7. Each person staying on the 3rd floor will be screened at check-in, including temperature check. Temperature will be rechecked daily.
  8. Ice machines can only be accessed by staff. Members are not allowed to get ice from the machines.
  9. The laundry room is available to only one family at the time. You may sign up for laundry room times at the office.
  10. Third floor residents must provide their own sheets, towels, and pillows.
  11. We also suggest that each resident family bring a non-slip tub mat to prevent slipping in the shower. Showers will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Disinfectant will be available in the showers. Disinfectant can make the shower floors extremely slippery.

June 6 – Snack Bar menu (cooked food) will begin. 

  1. All food will be prepared in the main kitchen.
  2. Orders will be placed by online portal or by calling the Club office.
  3. Snack bar orders will be ready within 30 minutes of placement.
  4. Orders will be picked up at the top of the ocean side stairs on the 2nd floor. Members will remain downstairs, maintaining social distancing, until their name is called.
  5. As with cold items, no money will change hands. All charges will be placed on account.
  6. Snack bar hot food hours: Saturday-Sunday 11:00am – 4:00pm. Orders must be placed by 3:30  Tuesday – Friday 11:00 – 2:00. Orders must be placed by 1:30
  7. No Sunday lunch will be served at this time. The kitchen cannot handle snack bar orders and Sunday lunch simultaneously. With no members on the 3rd floor on Saturday evening, the need for Sunday lunch is greatly reduced. We may add boxed meals later in the summer.

June 8 – Dining Room Opens 

  1. Meals will be served in the dining room on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings.
  2. Members staying on the 3rd floor will have assigned tables and an assigned time to go through the serving line. If space allows, other members may make reservations to dine in the dining room. The number allowed will change on a week-by-week basis, with the number not to exceed the NC Executive order #141 Emergency Maximum Occupancy.
  3. Take out orders will be available for 3rd floor residents, as well as other members who order at least 24 hours in advance.
  4. Menus will be placed on the website no later than Thursday for the next week.
  5. Third floor residents will complete a disposable menu stating their entrée preference for each day of the week. The menu can be changed during the week.
  6. Members calling to make dining room or take out orders will also state their entrée preference. This will reduce waste in the dining room.
  7. No member staying on the 3rd floor may have guests for meals sit at the table with them, even if the guest is also a member. All 3rd floor residents will be screened, other members coming for meals will not. We do not want 3rd floor residents exposed to others during the week. Third floor residents are expected to maintain social distancing from members not staying upstairs.
  8. Diners will not be allowed to handle napkins, utencils, trays, plates, bowls, glasses, etc., until their tray is placed on the table at the end of the serving line. There will be no Salad Bar. No diner is allowed to get coffee or drinks at any time. The self-serve beverage area is closed to diners.
  9. Masks must be worn in the dining room except when diners are seated at their assigned table. When going through the serving line and after the meal is complete, masks must be in place.
  10. Limited use of the dining room for social activities is allowed if masks are worn. Tables should be disinfected after use.

If there is a known or suspected case of COVID-19 by anyone using the Club, the Emergency Closure Plan will be enacted. When complete, this plan will be placed on the Quick Links page of the website. This plan will result in some or all areas of the Club being closed for cleaning/disinfecting.

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