Rain, rain . . . we needed some, but I think we have had enough. Most of this horrid weather will be gone before the Memorial Day Weekend begins, thank goodness!
The office telephone will be staffed on Friday from 12-2 and on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday from 10-2. No members will be allowed inside the office at this time. We will keep you informed of office hours as they change.
The Board continues to meet by teleconference. Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 27 at 6:00. The Board will discuss our plan for moving forward and opening more of the Club. Until then, the following plan is in place. Please be courteous and respectful to our staff as you return to the Club. Remember, they do not make the rules/policies; however, they are tasked with enforcing them. Keep in mind, this plan is temporary. As things change, you will be notified.
First Floor Re-Opening Plan Effective Saturday, May 23, 2020
Our goal is to begin opening the Hanover Seaside Club in phases over the next few weeks. Our priority is keeping our members and staff healthy while allowing members the recreational and social outlet that our Club provides . If you have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or has displayed COVID-like symptoms, please stay at home. Likewise, if you have a fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, a new cough or have lost your sense of taste or smell, do not come to the Club.
1.    The first floor ONLY will reopen to members on Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 9:00 am. The first floor will be open to members from 9:00am until 8:00pm daily for the week of May 23-30. No guests will be allowed in the building. Caregivers are not considered guests. At this time, only restrooms will be available. No showers or dressing rooms can be used until further notice. The water to the showers has been turned off. There is water in the sinks and toilets. Tables may be used in the snack bar area for consuming food you bring.  Please clean up after yourself and disinfect your table when you are finished. The current Executive Order limits gatherings inside to 10; therefore, you may not have a group of more than 10 inside the building. Gatherings outside are limited to 25.
2.    It is required that all members wear masks when they expect close contact (within 6 feet for 10 minutes or more) with a member who is not in their family. Masks are recommended on porches. Masks are required when entering the building , including the snack bar area and restrooms, except when eating.  The Club will NOT provide masks for members. You must bring your own mask to enter the building.
3.    While in the restrooms, please social distance. Stand at least six feet from the toilet door when waiting to use the toilets. When a member is washing their hands, wait as far away as possible for your turn at the sink.
4.     The snack bar will not resume operation this weekend. We look forward to beginning snack bar operation in the very near future.
5.    The parking lot will be available to members with valid (2019) stickers only. No guest passes will be given. Cars without stickers will be towed. If you are a new member, or have a new car that needs a sticker, print and complete the form found on the Quick Links page of the website at hanoverseaside.com. E-mail the form to manager.hanoverseasideclub@gmail.com. Please provide your phone number so that a staff member can call you to set up a time to pick up your sticker.
6.    Rocking chairs on the porches and tables/chairs in the snack bar area are arranged to facilitate social distancing. Do NOT move the rocking chairs, tables, or chairs.
7.    Social distancing is required at all times when on Club property including porches, decks, sound-side property, and inside the building. Remain at least six feet from members who are not in your family.
8.    Hand sanitizer and surface disinfectant will be available. Please wash your hands or use sanitizer prior to touching surfaces inside the building. As you know, disinfectant wipes are nearly impossible to purchase. We will be using diluted sodium hypochlorite (bleach) in a pump spray bottle for disinfection. Feel free to bring your own wipes for surface cleaning and touching high touch areas. We recommend that all members carry their own personal hand sanitizer.
9.    Staff will clean/disinfect high touch areas every three hours during the day. Spray disinfectant and paper towels will be available for members’ use between cleanings. Rocking chairs will be disinfected at the end of each day. Please bring your own wipes to clean chair arms before and after using a rocking chair.
10.   Only the first floor will be open. Members will not be allowed to enter the 2nd or 3rd floor at this time. Rocking chairs remain available on all floors.
11.   No more than two members, or one family, may be on the elevator at once.
12.   No passing on stairs is allowed – except the main staircase to the 2nd floor. The person going up has the right of way.
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