Monthly Archives: February 2020

News – February 28, 2020

Celebrations of Life:
Muriel Pearson – Saturday, February 29, 20:00 First Presbyterian Church
Chip McGuire – Saturday, February 29, 11:00 St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church
605 S. Lumina Property: Last night, the town of Wrightsville Beach denied our request for a variance to allow us to build the side-by-side duplex that we chose. We needed a variance to allow us to build closer to the property line on the North side which abuts the gravel parking lot. The Committee will now choose a different plan – probably an over-under duplex plan which meets city codes. The timeline remains the same. The building will be complete in time for the rental season in 2021. A special meeting of Regular Members will be called to approve financing in either late Spring or early Summer.
Room Reservations: Remember, Monday is the first day that members should mail their reservation requests for the summer season. Look back at last month’s blog for more information on room reservations. Room reservations must be mailed to the PO Box – they cannot be dropped off at the Club. And, if you have an outstanding balance, your reservation will not be considered.
Dues: If you have not paid your dues, they are over a month past due. According to our Constitution, any member who fails to pay dues shall be automatically suspended and denied the privileges of membership. Any issues with dues should be reported to the Secretary-Treasurer at If you have decided not to renew your membership, please contact the President at
Membership Applications: We currently have a tremendous backlog of applications for membership. Very few new members are taken each year; therefore, the stack of applicants has grown significantly through the years. The Board has passed a motion that for the future, only applications for children and grandchildren of members will be accepted. Sons and daughters who apply prior to their 26th birthday or their marriage, whichever comes first, will continue to be accepted as stated in the Constitution. Children and grandchildren who did not apply prior to their 26th birthday or their marriage will be added to the application files and will be accepted only when membership falls below the Constitutional limit. Applications for anyone who is not the child or grandchild of a current member will not be accepted. Also, incomplete applications will not be accepted. A list of documentation required is listed on the application and includes a picture, two letters, and signatures of a sponsor and 2 members. If an application is turned in and not complete, it will be returned. If it is not turned in complete by the 26th birthday or marriage, the applicant will not be offered membership. If you have a son/daughter who will be turning 26 or getting married in the next year, and will be requesting membership, please contact
Member Satisfaction: Our goal this year is to improve member satisfactioon. We want our members to come to the Club often and enjoy the dining room, snack bar, and events offered. If you have ideas to improve your Hanover Seaside Club experience, please e-mail Let us know what menus you prefer, events you would like to see offered, and any other hints to improve our Club.
Work Day: Our Spring Work Day will be held on Saturday, April 18 beginning at 9:00AM. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. The Facilities Committee has several projects to complete on this day. We will be advising what tools/supplies you should bring closer to the day. Rain date is April 25.
Parking Stickers: The decision was made last Spring to use our parking stickers through October 2020. If you have a new vehicle that does not have a sticker, please stop by the office to complete a registration form. Stickers will not be mailed in the season opening letter.
Upcoming Events:
March 9, 7:00 – BUNCO! No reservations necessary. Cover fee – $6 which will be split among winners. Bring a snack/drink and join the fun.
March 24, 6:00 – Board Meeting. All members welcome. In order to speak, contact the President in advance.
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News ~ February 3, 2020

NEWS ~ February 3, 2020
DUES: If you have not paid your dues, they are PAST DUE. In order to keep your membership current, please play your dues immediately. You may pay by mailing a check to the PO Box, calling the Club office on weekdays from 10-4, or by using the online payment portal on the Quick Links Page. You do not have to log in to use the online payment. Please note, there is a section that asks for member name, number, etc., but does not allow you to enter this information. Don’t worry. Your payment will still go through. However, the only information we receive is the name of the credit card holder. If you pay with a card that is different from the member name, please call the Club office and let them know how to credit the payment. The new system will be up and running soon and this will no longer be an issue. If you have decided not to renew your membership, please advise Jan Sheppard by e-mailing as soon as possible.
LOCKERS/BOAT REGISTRATION: Some, but not all, lockers were billed on the statements that went out just before Christmas. If you were not billed for your locker and want to keep it, please pay in the Club office. All watercraft that tie up or are stored on our sound front property must have a current HSC sticker. You must go to the Club office to register, pay and pick up your sticker. Be sure to bring your registration card. Stickers must be affixed to the watercraft by Memorial Day weekend.
605 S. LUMINA PROPERTY: The Committee continues to work on the permits for building a duplex on our adjacent property. By the end of February, we should know if the town of Wrightsville Beach will grant us the variance we are requesting to allow us to build the side by side duplex that we have chosen. If we are granted the variance, the next step is to put out bids to choose a builder, and to obtain financing. If we are not granted the variance, the committee, with Board approval, will choose an alternate floor plan. Prior to signing a contract for financing, there will be a special called meeting of the Regular Membership to vote on securing the loan. This meeting will occur in late Spring or early Summer. Building will begin in the Fall so that it will be ready for occupancy for the summer of 2021.
ROOM RESERVATIONS: The 2020 Room Reservation Information Letter and Room Reservation Request Form have been posted on the Quick Links page of the website at You do not have to register to view and print documents from this page. Please be sure to read the Room Reservation Policy so you understand the process for requesting rooms prior to completing the form. That is also located on the Quick Links page. WE WILL NOT BE MAILING THESE FORMS TO THE MEMBERSHIP. If you have trouble printing them online, contact and I will be glad to assist you. A few things to remember:
  1. Member requests may be mailed beginning March 2, with guest requests to follow on March 9
  2. if you want to request 2 weeks, you must complete 2 forms. Be sure to note if the weeks must be consecutive.
  3. The forms must be mailed to the PO Box – you may NOT drop them by the office – and the postmark is used when assigning rooms
  4. All dues and any other outstanding fees MUST BE PAID in full in order to request a room
  5. If you want to request a room for a guest or you want several rooms the same week for your family/friends, choose a week in early June or later August to have the best chance of getting your request. From mid-June through mid-August, nearly all rooms are needed for members and it is difficult to keep large groups together.
  6. Every year there are several weeks that have WAY more requests than we have rooms. For one week in July last year, there were 25 requests for 14 rooms. It helps tremendously if you can provide an alternate week. The committee who assigns rooms works extremely hard to help all of our members have the vacation they desire. By providing an alternate week, you have a better chance of having your request granted. If you are not able to provide an alternate due to work, school, or family responsibilities, please note that on your form.
  7. You may NOT request a room under your membership, but allow a non-member to occupy the room without you. For example, you cannot rent a room and give it to your adult child who is not a member. They can stay with you, but you must also occupy the room.
  8. Room assignments are made based on the number of people sharing a room and the need for a full bath. There are only 2 large rooms (3 double beds), and 3 rooms with full baths. The room selection committee tries to be fair and meet the needs of all members. Be sure to state the names and ages of all members and guests who will occupy a room to make it easier for us to do our job.
  9. Members ALWAYS receive priority over guests when scheduling rooms
  10. Be sure to pay for your room by the due date or you could lose your reservation
  11. Familiarize yourself with the Room Reservation Policy (I know I already said this, but it bears repeating)
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES: The Social Committee is open to new ideas to get more members of various age levels involved. Are you interested in building sandcastles? Teaching line dancing? Cookie decorating? Flower arranging? Send Cher your ideas to
HSC WEBSITE: The new Club website will be online within the next few weeks. You are going to LOVE it! You will be able to see an ongoing calendar, check your account, make payments that actually get credited to your account immediately, make meal and event reservations, view a member roster, and do it all from your mobile device. Once the site goes live, you will have to register. The member whose name the account is in must register first, then the spouse and dependent children may register. The site will NOT allow duplicate e-mail addresses, so each registrant must have a separate e-mail address. You will need your member number to register – and you must precede the number with 000. We will send out a mailing further explaining what to do when the site is activated.
PRIVATE PARTIES: The Club office is taking reservations for private parties, weddings, meetings, luncheons, dinners, etc., for 2020. We believe we have the best facility on Wrightsville Beach and offer exceptional service and a wide variety of menu options. We will work with you to plan a party to meet your needs. In order to host a party of any sort, you must sign a contract and pay a nonrefundable retainer to book a date. If you have talked to the office about a party but have not signed a contract or paid a retainer, call immediately and make an appointment to do so. We also rent our facility to guests; however, they must be sponsored by a member who will attend the gathering and remain for the entirety. If you have friends looking for an ideal venue, consider the Hanover Seaside Club. The Party Policy is on the Quick Links page and provides all the information you need.
February 10 at 7pm – BUNCO! This is a monthly event open to all members and their guests. Don’t know how to play – never fear – they will teach you! No reservations necessary. Bring a drink/snack and $6 and join the fun. The $6 entry fee is split among winners.
February 14 – Valentine’s Dinner. This event is full with a waiting list. Bring your smile, your sweetie, and your camera for our special photo opportunity at the Valentine’s Dinner. If you made reservations but find that you are unable to attend, please call the Club office ASAP so that someone on the wait list can be contacted. If you do not show up and do not cancel with sufficient notice to get an alternate, you will be billed for the event.
February 25 at 6:00pm – Board Meeting. All members, Regular and Sesonal, are welcome to attend. If you would like to speak to the Board, please contact the President in advance to be placed on the agenda.
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