News – November 25, 2014

It’s not too late to make reservations for the Flotilla Chili Supper on Saturday at 5:00.  Choose between beef or chicken chili with all the fixings. Call the Club office today to reserve your chili!

Sunday Menu:  Fried chicken or Beef stroganoff

Time is running out to submit nominations for the 2015 Board of Directors. Nomination forms can be found on the website under HSC documents or at the Club office.  Forms must be in the hands of Chris Furr, Nominating Committee Chair, by December 1.

Happy Thanksgiving!  When I think of all the things I am thankful for, the many friends I have made through the years at the Hanover Seaside Club certainly fall near the top of a very long list. What beautiful memories we have made.  Looking forward to lots more!

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