February Calendar

Get ready … Beth’s frying chicken! Sunday lunches begin February 3 and will continue through fall. Call your friends and family and meet at the Club for delicious food and great company. Make reservations be calling the Club at 910-256-2726. Remember, you must pay for your meal with a credit/debit card or your dining room minimum. Once your minimum is used, no house charges will be accepted.

The Valentine’s dinner will be February 14 at 6:30pm. A prime rib dinner will be served for $19.95. If you prefer, you may order backed chicken for $15.95. Sales tax will be added to both. Call the office now for your reservations.

Regular members – don’t forget the Annual Meeting on February 9, and remember, your 2013 dues must be in the hands of the treasurer by February 7 to attend the meeting.

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