The Constitution Committee is still in need of copies of Hanover Seaside Club Constitution for the years 1972-1988. Please check your files and see if you, by chance, have any of these old constitutions. If so, please contact me at and I’ll make arrangements to get them from you. Thanks!
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Looking for Old Annual Meeting Minutes
The Constitution Committee is searching for minutes of Annual Meetings from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. For those of you who may have kept old records, please check your files. If you find old minutes, please send a copy of them to the Hanover Seaside Club, PO Box 1085, Wilmington, NC 28402 marked to the attention of the Constitution Committee.
We appreciate your help!
Check the Calendar!
Want to know what’s going on at the Hanover Seaside Club? Just click on the Calendar in the menu bar and you will see the events scheduled for the summer. If you click on the event, a window will open giving your more information on the event and who to contact. Remember, reservations are required for all meals including the luau, 4th of July fried chicken lunch, and Summer Valentine dinner. Reservations are not required for the monthly Covered Dish Dinners.
New events will be added as I learn of them, so check the calendar often so you don’t miss anything.
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. There are two sitting for the Mother’s Day Sunday Buffet, but they fill quickly. Call now for your reservations!