July 2011 Newsletter!

  Hanover Seaside Club Newsletter – July 2011

Whew!  Did I sleep through spring??  What happened to the 75 degree days and 65 degree nights we are supposed to enjoy before Summer sets in?  If there is ever a time to appreciate our membership in the Hanover Seaside Club, that day has come.  While we haven’t had much rain to cool the air, the sea breeze makes the atmosphere palatable and the porch rocking chairs that much more comfortable.   Driving to the club looking at all the sweltering people, hot cars, and lack of parking spaces, makes me especially thankful for our club, the folks who run it and the members who use it.

This month there are several special parties that always get super-positive feed-back and seem to be the unofficial kick-off of the beach season.


July 4th  – Monday:   FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION              

Breakfast   8:00AM        Opening Ceremonies        10:00AM

Chicken Dinner      ($9.00)                  11:30AM – 2:30PM

July 13th – Wednesday:  2nd Bingo      8:00PM

First Card –     A – $3.00  C – $2.00   Extras  $.25 each   Remember: Only 120 people can be seated for Bingo per  Fire Regulations – so come early.

July 20th –  Wednesday – Card Party & Luncheon  – 10:00AM – 3:00PM

Call Faydene Corbett (256-6006) for particulars.     $10.00

July 27th –  Wednesday – 3rd Bingo – times and charges same as 2nd Bingo.

 July 30th – SaturdayMY SUMMERTIME VALENTINE GALA                        Time:       6:30PM

Menu:      Prime Rib & Wine                 $18.00    Baked Chicken & Wine      $14.50

Reservations and Pre-purchase of tickets are required

Call the Club (256-2726) if you need transportation or to make reservations.

Reminders:  All meals require reservations unless stated.

Only cars with 2011 RED club stickers will permitted entry to the parking lot for special events.  No guest passes will be issued on these days.   Please see your latest Membership  letter for a list of those special events.

 Snack Bar hours:    Sat & Sun   10:30AM – 5:00PM     Tues thru Fri  10:30AM – 3:30PM Closed Mondays except Holidays

Here’s to a wonderful, safe, courteous, fun-filled summer.  Please remember that your Staff and Board are here to address any problems you may have.  They really want to hear from you,  so please don’t hesitate to approach one of them if you feel the need.  Of course a word or two of appreciation is also welcome.

Our club is growing fast.  Thank you, members, for your participation and input.

See you on the beach.

Sherry McCarley

Club Manager:  Mollene      Asst. Manager:  Beth

e-mail address:  Hanoverseaside@bizec.rr.com

office phone:    910-256-2726

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