News ~ June 1, 2024

NEWS ~ JUNE 1, 2024

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9:00-6:00

SNACK BAR HOURS: Weekends 11:00-4:00 (Grill closes at 3) Beginning June 6 – Tuesday through Friday 11:00-2:00

SUNDAY LUNCH SCHEDULE: June 16, July 7, August 11, September 1

ROOM AVAILABILITY: We have a few rooms open until Saturday, June 8. If you would like to come for a few days (2 night minimum) call the front office to make reservations! These are the only rooms available between now and late August. Get them while you can!


Mondays – Fried Chicken (grilled or baked available), Pulled Pork, collards, mac and cheese, baked potato bar, slaw, salad bar, rolls, drink and dessert

Tuesdays – Tacos or Taco Bowls, Enchilada, all the fixings, chips and queso, drink and dessert

Thursdays – Boneless Fried Chicken Breast with Cheese and Bacon( grilled or baked available), Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans with bacon, steamed broccoli, salad bar, rolls, drink and dessert

Friday – Fried Flounder (broiled available), Fried Shrimp (grilled available), grilled seasonal vegetables, fries, claw, cucumber salad, rolls, drink dessert

Kids’ Menu – 12 and under – served with fries

3 Chicken Tenders, Hot Dog, or Grilled Cheese

For weekday meals, reservations must be made by 2:00pm on the day of the reservation. Sunday reservations must be made by Friday at 5:00pm.

RULES: Please be sure to read the Rules which are found under Policies on the Quick Links Page of the website. If you have adult children, under the age of 26 on your membership, make sure they are familiar with the rules as well.

PARKING STICKERS AND WRIST BANDS: A parking sticker must be affixed to the passenger side of the windshield, or a guest pass must be placed on the dash, or your vehicle will be towed at your expense. Each married member can have only 2 stickers, regardless of the number of members who drive. It is up to you to decide on which cars you will place stickers. A member who does not have a sticker can get a guest pass free of charge in the office. A single member can have 2 stickers if they have 2 cars registered in their name. You may NOT share your sticker with anyone else including family members who may or may not be members. Wrist bands must be worn or attached to your beach bag so that staff can easily see it any time you are on Club property. Wrist bands make it much easier to determine which of the people accessing our property are members. You may pick your band up in the office during office hours.

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS: Several years ago, the Board voted not to accept new membership applications for anyone other than children or grandchildren of current members. We continue to have a backlog of membership applications in the hundreds while maintaining our Constitutionally allowed maximum. In order to be accepted regardless of quotas, children of members must complete their application before their 26th birthday or their marriage, whichever comes first. When spaces become available, children who did not join on time or grandchildren of current members will be offered membership. Over the past few years, only a handful of applicants have been offered membership. Please do not give applications to friends or family who do not meet the children/grandchildren of members rule. Their applications will not be accepted.

BINGO: Our first Bingo of the season will be held on Wednesday, June 5 at 7:00. Come join the Collins brothers for a rollicking good time.. Please bring baked goods for a prize!

KIDS NIGHT: Get ready or our highly anticipated Kid’s Night on Saturday, June 22 from 5:00-8:00. We will have the huge dragon bounce house as well as a hot dog supper. One hot dog with chips, juice box, cookie and icee pop – $5. Two hot dogs – $8. Reservations must be made by June 20 at 4:00. More info will follow!

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Party on the Porch!

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News ~ May 15, 2024

NEWS ~ MAY 15, 2024

OFFICE HOURS: From now until May 23 M-F 9:00-3:00 Weekends 9-4

Beginninng May 24 Daily from 9-6

BOARD MEETING: All members are invited to attend Board Meetings. The next meeting will be held May 21 at 5:30 in the snack bar area.

JOEY MILES: We are sad to announce the passing of long time member Joey Miles. Our prayers to his family. His obituary can be found here. Click on “here” to open the link.

The summer season is quickly approaching! Opening weekend begins next Friday, May 24. Call for meal reservations and start the season off right with Friday dinner, Sunday lunch, or a full breakfast Friday-Monday.


Changes have been made in the reservation requirement for meals. Check out the Meals info on the Quick Links page of the website!

Friday, May 24 – 8:30am – Breakfast Buffet

Friday, May 24 – 6:30pm – Dinner – Fried Flounder (Broiled available), Fried Shrimp (Grilled available), Grilled Seasonal Vegetables, Fries, Slaw, Cucumber Salad, Salad Bar, Rolls, Drink, and Dessert        Kids Menu (12 & under) – Served with Fries – Chicken Tenders (3), Hot Dog, Grilled Cheese       Looking for something lighter? Salad Bar Entree is available any day of the week! (Excluding Tuesdays)

Saturday, May 25 – 8:30am – Breakfast Buffet

Saturday, May 25 – 6:00pm Party on the Porch – BYOB and an appetizer to share – Music by Bub White

Sunday, May 26 – 8:30am Breakfast Buffet

Sunday, May 26 – 1:00 Sunday Lunch – Prime Rib and Grilled Shrimp, Rice pilaf, Vegetable medley, Fried okra, Salad bar, Rolls, Dessert , and Drink (Children’s Menu Available – see above)

Monday, May 27 – 8:30am – Breakfast Buffet

No other meals served this week.

ROOM AVAILABILITY: There are quite a few room available from May 28 through June 8. Call the office to make your reservations! You can rent rooms for as little as 2 nights or as many as you would like.

SNACK BAR SCHEDULE:   Saturday, May 25 – Monday, May 27 11:00-4:00 Grill closes at 3:00  The snack bar will be closed weekdays until June 6 when school ends. Daily hours will be 11:00-2:00 Tuesday through Friday. Don’t forget you can order online so you food will be ready when you come off the beach! You must log into your account at – go to the drop down menu on the left and click on online ordering. The online ordering option can only be viewed when the snack bar is open.


OPENING LETTERS: If possible, please stop by the office before Monday to pick up your letter/stickers/wrist bands. Those not picked up be mailed on Monday. Picking the letters up saves us a lot in postage fees. Any questions can be answered by calling the Club office at 910-256-2726. Stickers must be placed on the inside of the windshield on the passengers side beginning Saturday, May 25. On days when Guest passes are available, they can be purchased for $10 per day either from the Parking Lot Attendant or in the Club office.

WRIST BANDS: Wrist bands must be worn or attached in a visible place while on Club property. You may pick up wrist bands in the Office. Guests bands are available at no charge in the Club office as well.

DISHWASHER: All good things must come to an end – and our dishwasher has done just that. After 20 years of service, our dishwasher is now unrepairable. A replacement has been ordered but will not arrive for 4-6 weeks. Until then, we will be using disposable plates, bowls, etc. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.

PARTY POLICY: The Board has approved changes to the Party Policy. The Hanover Seaside Club is a fantastic venue for your private parties. Be sure to read the Party Policy located on the Quick Links page of the website prior to calling the office to schedule a party. No party dates are held until a Contract is signed and deposit paid.

SUMMER MEAL INFO: Meal pricing and dates of Sunday lunch can be found on the HSC website under Quick Links. Weeknight menus will be included in the next newsletter. Menus will be the same each week.

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News ~ May 2, 2024

NEWS – MAY 2, 2024

SUMMER ROOM PAYMENT: Payment for summer room rentals is due tomorrow, May 3. Remember, you cannot pay online. You must call the Club office at 910-256-2726 to pay by credit card from 9-3 Monday through Friday. It is too late to mail a payment to be received by the Club tomorrow. Rooms not paid will be opened for rental by other members or their guests.

MEMBER SURVEY: Please don’t forget to complete the Member Survey. We need information from you to plan for the 2024-25 year. We want to make the Club dining room a place that everyone enjoys and visits frequently. Your input will help make that happen. To complete the survery use this link: We are extending the deadline by one day. You have until midnight Saturday, May 4 to submit the survey.

WORK DAY: We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came to the Work Day on Saturday. Members volunteering their time saves the Club money on maintenance and landscaping which keeps your dues low. The more volunteers we have, the better chance we have of preventing a dues increase. Our Club is an aging facility subject to very harsh conditions, so the cost of upkeep will continue to increase.

MOTHER’S DAY BUFFET: The Mother’s Day Buffet is full and there is a waiting list. Please do not call for reservations. If spaces open, we will let you know.

SEASON OPENING LETTERS: The Secretary-Treasurer is working on opening letters. They will be ready to pick up beginning on Mother’s Day. A table will be set up in the parlor from 10:30-2:30 for members to pick up wristbands and letters. Beginning Monday, May 13 letters and wrist bands may be picked up in the office from 9-3 Monday through Friday. Those letters not picked up will be mailed on May 17. You will need to pick your wristbands up in the office on your first visit of the season. Your 2024 vehicle stickers will be included in the letters. If you have not paid your outstanding balance, you will not receive a letter. You will need to pick your letter up and pay your balance at the office.

OPENING WEEKEND PARTY: Our first social activity of the season will be Saturday, May 25 at 6:00pm. We’ll have a Party on the Porch featuring music by our own Bub White. Please bring an appetizer to share and your drink of choice. There will not be a bar at this event, so BYOB.


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Dining Room Survey

Dining Room Survey – 2024

Dear fellow members,

We know that you care about the Hanover Seaside Club, and we all want it to be the best that it can be. The Operations Committee needs your input! We must admit that a survey has not been sent to members since 2016. To correct that situation, we have worked hard to develop a survey to collect your opinions about the dining room service. It collects your opinions about menu selections, quality, and cost of the meals. There may be other surveys in the future.

We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to share your opinions. Many of you have not eaten in the dining room recently, and we would like to know what it would take to bring you back. If you do not take the time to tell us, we will never know what you want!

The survey will close at the end of the day on Friday, May 3. Responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey link may be used by multiple times since there may be multiple members in a household. We ask that each member reply only once. The survey will take about 10-20 minutes. We know that your time is valuable, but we hope that you care enough about the Club to take 15 minutes to share your opinions. Remember the “GEICO” commercial – “15 minutes could save your club!”

Please keep in mind that much planning goes into the dining room service long before the Memorial Day – Labor Day season begins. Some plans cannot be changed for the 2024 season. We may not be able to respond to your input until following seasons. So, if you do not see immediate changes, please do not think that we didn’t hear you.

Use this link to take the survey:

Thank you for your input!

The Hanover Seaside Club Operations Committee

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Summer Room Reservations: Bills for summer room rentals have been e-mailed. If you did not get a statement, nor did you receive a call saying you did not get a room, please call the front desk. Nearly all members who requested a room were able to be booked. As always, not everyone got the room they requested. There are only 3 rooms with full baths and nearly every week of the summer more requests are made for these rooms than we can accomodate. Please do not call the front desk to complain about your room assignment. They did not make the assignments. A committee of 7 members met and worked diligently to make as many members happy as possible.

Payment for rooms must be made by Friday, May 3. Because of the way our hotel software works, you can NOT pay for rooms online. You can either mail a check to our PO Box, or call the Club office with a credit card number.

There are rooms available the following weeks. Call the Club office to make reservations.

June 1-8, June 29-July 6, July 6-13, July 20-27, July 27-August 3, August 10-17, August 17-24, August 24-31 The first and last weeks have quite a few rooms available. These weeks would be great times to bring guests.

Member Contact Information: If your mailing address, phone number, or e-mail address have changed, please call the front office to make changes to your 

Opening Letter: The opening letter with automobile stickers will be ready on Mother’s Day. If you will be at the Club that day, please stop by the office to pick up your envelope between 10:30-2:30. If you have a balance on your account (dues, merchandise, meals, rooms, etc) you will not receive a letter or stickers. To pay all outstanding balances, you can call the Club office with your credit card number or mail a check to the PO Box.

Lockers: There are some small, inside lockers available to rent for $10/year. Call the office if you are interested. All other lockers have a wait list. If you rented a locker last year, your locker payment was added to the bill with your dues.

Work Day: Don’t forget the Spring Work Day is coming up! Please come help with our property clean-up and small maintenance projects on Saturday, April 27 at 10am. Rain date – May 4.

Merchandise: We have a variety of merchandise available for purchase. We have tees for adults and children, coffee mugs, koozies, cups with lids, etc. Stop by the parlor to see all we have to offer. You must make purchases when the office is open – Monday through Friday from 9-3.

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Mother’s Day!

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News ~ March 17, 2024

NEWS ~ March 17, 2024

Happy 126th Birthday to the Hanover Seaside Club on Monday, March 18!

ANNUAL DUES: We still have quite a few members who have not paid the current year’s dues. Our Constitution states that any member failing to pay dues by January 31 of each year shall automatically be suspended and shall be denied the privileges of membership until dues are paid. This means you may not come to the Club, rent room, eat meals, attend events, etc. To see if you have a balance, log into with your username and password. Using the pull-down menu click on Member Central, then click on Statements. You can pay online, call the Club office Monday-Friday from 9-3, or mail your check to the Club PO Box.

WORK DAY: Please mark your calendar now for the Spring Work Day. We need workers on Saturday, April 27 beginning at 10:00am. This work day gets our property in great shape to start the season. The more the merrier – and the earlier our work will be complete. The rain date is May 4 at 10:00am.

3RD FLOOR RENTALS: The air conditioning/heating project on the 3rd floor is complete and rooms are ready to rent. If you would like to enjoy a few days at the Club during the spring, call the Club office at 910-256-2726 to make reservations. There is a 2 night minimum stay. Remember you must supply your own sheets (queen size) pillows, towels, etc.

EASTER RESERVATIONS: Don’t forget to call the Club office to make your reservations for the Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Buffet. Deadline to make reservations is Wednesday, March 27 at noon. The Sunday buffet – both seatings – are over half full, so don’t procrastinate. More information can be found on the blog on the website.

All of our 2024 merchandise has arrived! We have new beautifully colored tees (crew and v-neck) for adults and children, HSC mugs, cups with lids and straws, and coozies. Our branded merchandise would make excellent Easter gifts. Stop by the Club during office hours (M-F, 9-3) to make your purchase. If you would like to reserve mugs, call the office and have the total charged to your account. The mugs will be held in the office until you can pick them up. We still have a few ladies cut tees on sale for $5! Remember, these run very small so remember to size up 2 sizes.

If you pre-ordered polo shirts, don’t forget to stop by the office to pick them up!

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Easter Events!

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News ~ February 26, 2024

NEWS ~ FEBRUARY 26, 2024

BOARD MEETING: The next meeting of the Board will be Wednesday, February 28 at 5:30PM in the dining room at the Club. All members, both Regural and Seasonal, are invited to attend. If you would like to speak to the Board, contact Dan Harris in advance to be placed on the agenda.

CLUB UPDATE: New heating and air conditioning units are being placed in all rooms on the 3rd floor and in the manager’s appartment. This project is coming to an end. Once the contractors complete their work, the rooms will be deep cleaned and made readyfor rental. We will let you know when off season rentals can begin.

605 S. LUMINA UPDATE: A huge thank you to our Decorating Committee (Ernie Alexander, Nancy Noel, Kim Edwards, and Elise Beall) for doing an in-depth walk through of our duplex and determining what needed to be repaired and/or replaced before the busy rental season begins. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that after three years of rental, the units are in great shape. All of the items that needed replacing have been purchased and placed in the units. We have sporadic off season rentals, so we want everything in prime condition for our tenants. All of the comments on our rental have been very positive. We can all be proud of our property.

ROOM RENTAL REQUESTS: In one short week it will be time to mail summer rental requests. Please be sure to go to the Quick Links page to read the Information sheet, download your forms, and mail them to the PO Box. Also, we have updated the Meal Information sheet for this summer. We will not be serving Sunday lunch every week this summer. For this year, we are offering Sunday Lunch several times during the season – dates are on the Meal Information sheet on the Quicklinks page. As with all meals, if you are renting a room on the 3rd floor, you will be required to pay for Sunday lunch if it served. A full breakfast will be served every day with dinner served on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

TEES: Our new Club tees will be arriving before Easter. We will have several colors in the crew neck style and one color in a V-neck style. This years tees will be a slightly heavier triblend – so still sofy and comfy, but a tad bit thicker. The good news ~ prices on adult tees are coming down! We also ordered polos for those who preordered.

HSC MUGS:  At a member’s request, we asked on Facebook who would be interested in purchasing mugs. The response was very positive. We are ordering a limited supply, and will only order these mugs once this year. When they arrive, they will be first come, first serve. Mugs will be $15. Sorry, we will not offer shipping for these mugs

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