News ~ May 26, 2020

Meal Price Correction:

Thanks to the eagle eyes of Cher Pridgen, our Vice President, we realized there was an error in the meal pricing in the season opening letter. We have tracked down the error and fixed it. It did not affect breakfast prices because they did not change from last year. Dinner prices for 2020 are as follows:

Adults: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday $14 + tax = $14.98

Friday, Sunday $16 + tax = $17.12

Children (6-12): All dinners $8 + tax = $8.56

Rules for Club Use:

Thanks to all of the members who followed the rules for using the Club over the Memorial Day weekend. Sadly, we had members who did not follow the rules. Many of the rule breakers were teens without parents, so please make sure your children know the rules. These rules were not made easily, or lightly. The goal is to protect the health of our members AND our staff. Keep the following in mind:

  1. You must wear a mask any time you enter the building – even if just using the restroom
  2. The door on the south side – gravel lot – is the ENTRANCE door. Do not EXIT that door.
  3. The door on the ocean side is the EXIT door. Do not ENTER that door.
  4. Guests are not allowed on Club property during this time. No guest passes will be given, nor will guests be allowed in the building. Due to State regulations, we can have a minimal number of people in any area at the same time, including walkways and outside showers. We need to reserve the space for our members.

Please be courteous when crossing the walkway to/from the beach. Allow the person/family on the walkway to get off before entering the narrow part of the walkway. The walkway is too narrow to pass closely together – especially with beach gear.

Room Availability:

There are rooms available to rent for most weeks this summer. For now, we are accepting reservations for members or family of members staying the same week. At this moment, we are not accepting reservations for guests who are not family members of someone staying the same week. That could change as the summer progresses. Room availability is changing on a near hourly basis. Rooms are rented on a first come-first served basis by calling the Club office. Be prepared to pay for the room when you make reservations. This is what is currently available:

June 6-13, 8 rooms

June 14-20, 3 rooms

June 21-27, 1 room

June 28-July 4, 5 rooms

July 5-11, 2 rooms

July 12-18, 1 room

July 19-25, 1 room

July 26-August 1, 3 rooms

August 2-8, 2 rooms

August 9-15, 8 rooms

August 16-22, 10 rooms

August 23-29, 11 rooms

August 29-September 5, 2 rooms

All room regulations are subject to change as recommendations are made by the COVID-19 Committee. At this time, except for the first and last week, room rental will be 6 nights. Check-in will be on Sunday at 4:00pm with check-out on Saturday at 11:00am. The week of June 6, renters may check-in on Saturday at 4:00pm since there is nobody staying previous to that date. The week beginning August 29, check in will be on Sunday, with check out on Labor Day Monday, unless alternate arrangements are made.

More information will be coming out later in the week concerning Club usage.

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