News – August 8, 2021

NEWS ~ AUGUST 8, 2021

SNACK BAR/DINING ROOM: Due to lack of staff, we are unable to serve normal meals or keep the snack bar open regular hours. This will vary on a week-by-week basis. For the week of August 9-15, the following schedule will be in effect.


Monday through Saturday (8/9-14) – full breakfast

Sunday (8/15) – Continental Breakfast


Monday (8/9) – no dinner

Tuesday (8/10) – Tacos or Taco Bowls

Wednesday (8/11) – no dinner

Thursday (8/12) – Fried or Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Friday (8/13) – Fried Flounder or Fried Shrimp

Snack Bar:

Monday (8/9) – Closed

Tuesday and Wednesday (8/10-11) – 11-2

Thursday and Friday (8/12-13) – Closed

Saturday and Sunday (8/14-15) – 11-3

Please be very patient with our staff. Because of decrease in number of staff members, our remaining staff is working very long hours and doing a variety of duties to keep the Club running. If you know of anyone looking for part-time employment, be sure to have them contact the Manager.

NOMINATIONS: The Nominating Committee is seeking Regular Members to run for the following positions:

President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer – 1-year terms

2 Board Members – 3-year terms

The Nominating Form is located on the Quick Links page of the website. The form is a Word document so that you can complete it on your computer, save it, and e-mail it to Nominating Chair – Brett Riggs. You must use this exact form to make a nomination. Members are welcome to self-nominate or nominate another interested Regular Member. If you nominate someone else, please make sure they are willing to serve. Nomination forms are due no later than September 1.

FULL MOON PARTY ON THE PORCH: August 14, 6:00-9:00 ~ Come to the beach and enjoy music by DJ Lee Pearson and food from Bill’s Food Truck. There will NOT be a cash bar for this event. BYOB and we will supply napkins, cups, and chasers. This is the last porch party of the season, so enjoy one last night with your Club friends. Please RSVP by Friday, August 13 at noon so we know how many to expect.

KAYAKS AND SAILBOATS: The season is quickly coming to an end and hurricane season is here. If you store your kayak or sailboat on the racks at the sound, be sure to tie them down when you are finished using them for the season or if you will be out of town during the fall when tropical storms and hurricanes are prevalent. We hope for a quiet fall, but you should be prepared!

COVID UPDATE: Most of you are probably aware that Covid is surging again in eastern North Carolina. Number of cases, percent positive, and hospitalization rates have all increased significantly in the past few weeks. For that reason, the Covid Committee has made the following recommendations:

Masks are recommended when inside the building for both vaccinated and unvaccinated members and their guests. With the Delta variant, vaccinated people can be infected and transmit the virus; however, the vaccine does protect those vaccinated from severe illness resulting in hospitalization and death. Please wear your masks to protect those who are unable to be vaccinated.

Only one member/family will be allowed in the office at the time. The space is small and does not allow for social distancing. Please be patient and remain in the hallway if there is someone ahead of you in the office.

The Hanover Seaside Club is following Governor’s Executive Orders, so if Governor Cooper makes changes, we will follow them. Please watch your e-mail, the blog, and FaceBook for updates.



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