News – August 30, 2020

NEWS ~ AUGUST 30, 2020

NOMINATIONS: The Nominating Committee is in search of a Secretary-Treasurer for the 2020-21 year. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for recording minutes of Board and Regular Member Meetings as well as the mailouts to members. Other Board Members and staff can help with these tasks. The Club staff includes a part-time bookkeeper who is responsible for day-to-day financial operations. A part-time Controller is responsible for overseeing accounting and budgets. Below is the breakdown of responsibilities for the Controller and Treasurer.

Controller Responsibilities

In Charge of Accounting

Preparing Financial Statements

Preparing other Financial Reports

Formulates Accounting Policies

Oversees the Budget

Ensures Compliance with Law regarding Tax fillings

Presents Facts to Treasurer and BOD

Treasurer Responsibilities

Managing Cash Flow

Investing Funds w/BOD approval

Managing Debt w/BOD approval

Developing and Maintaining Banking relationships w/BOD approval

Formulates Financial Policies w/BOD approval

Prepares the Budget for BOD approval

Manages Tax Filings

Risk Management

Advisor to the Board

Anyone interested in running for Secretary-Treasurer should contact Elise Beall, Jean Lawler, or Beverly Alexander as soon as possible.

COVID-19 UPDATE: Please keep in mind, we are still under Phase 2 of the Governor’s Executive Order which means masks must be worn inside and outside while on Club property between Lumina Avenue and the strand. This means that masks must be worn on all porches and the walkway to the beach, except when actively eating or drinking. Masks must also be worn at all times when inside the Club building except when at your table and actively eating in the dining room, or in your room with the door closed on the 3r floor.

DUES:  Keep in mind, annual dues are payable by November 1 each year. The Member Year changed to November 1-October 31 in 2019. Statements will be mailed out in early October.

ACCOUNT BALANCES: If you have used more than your dining room minimum either in the dining room or snack bar, you probably have a balance due on your account. Members who have registered for the site can log on and view your statement and pay any balance online. If you have not registered, call the Club office and they can provide you with your information and take credit card payment by phone. All outstanding balances should be paid by the end of each month.

SNACK BAR: Regular Snack Bar hours are in effect through Labor Day. The Snack Bar will remain open on weekends from 11-2 through September. We have had rave reviews on the speed and quality of the snack bar this year.


Monday, August 31 – Fried Chicken or BBQ Beef Ribs

Tuesday, September 1 – Beef or Chicken Tacos or Taco Bowls

Thursday, September 3 – Lasagna or Chicken Parmesan

Friday, September 4 – Prime Rib

Monday, September 7 – No Dinner

Our Fall schedule will begin with Tuesday and Friday dinners on September 8. Sunday lunch will resume on October 4.

Dining Room Minimums expire on October 31. Remember, you can use your minimum in the snack bar or dining room. You may use it to eat in the dining room or for take-outs.



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