News – March 23, 2020

News – March 23, 2020
Spring arrived last Thursday and brought Coronavirus with it!
Club staff and volunteers have been working hard to get the Club ready for this season’s opening. Unfortunately, we don’t know when that will be. Due to Coronavirus, all activities scheduled and all rooms reserved through April have been cancelled.
The Town of Wrightsville Beach has closed the Strand and soundside beaches. While the bridge is open and you can get on the island, you cannot walk on the beach, swim, surf, or sunbathe.
How long will this last? Of course, no one knows. New information comes out daily. As of today, public schools will be off-campus until at least May 15 and all gyms, salons, spas, etc. must close by Wednesday at 5:00. Restaurants are closed except for take-out business. With these restrictions in mind, these are the actions taken thus far.
1)     Postponed the Sunday, Tuesday and Friday meals until May 12, which is Mother’s Day. We hope to celebrate Mother’s Day with a wonderful buffet. More information will be forthcoming.
2)     Cancelled all events and parties through the end of April. Some parties in May have already canceled
3) Cancelled the workday scheduled for March 28..
4)     Closed the Club through April. There is a Club workday scheduled for April 18 which we hope to have. We are looking at alternate dates in case we are forced to postpone the workday.
We are reducing staff hours; therefore, normal office hours are no longer being covered. There may be staff available to answer the phone between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM while we are closed. However, the staff will be doing some needed maintenance, so they may have to return your calls. Please leave a message if you need assistance. If you come to the Club to sit on the porch, please keep distance between your group and others. The chairs have been hosed off to remove pollen, but have not been disinfected. You may want to bring wipes to disinfect chair arms. The first floor will remain locked while the Club is closed. Doors may or may not be unlocked on the 2nd floor.  The gate at the gravel parking lot is locked. Please park in the asphalt lot if you come to the Club.
Our goal is to start our normal summer season Memorial Day weekend. The committee met to assign rooms for the Summer Season on Sunday. The data is being recorded in the computer system and statements will be emailed to you by early next week. Payment must be made by May 8 in order to secure your room(s). If you need us to work with you in this tenuous economy, please call the Club office.
No rooms will be rented on the 3rd floor through the end of April. Once we have more knowledge, a decsion will be made about May. We are not cancelling the May reservations already made at this time. We will not take new reservations until we are sure when we will reopen.
The monthly Board Meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening. We are taking the request for social distancing very seriously. Because of the State of Emergency, the Board will teleconference the meeting at 6:00 tomorrow evening. We are using a platform that most of the Board is unfamiliar with and that limits the number of members present. We are not trying to keep secrets from the membership, we are trying to keep our Board and their families safe while continuing the business of the Club. If anyone needs to confence into the meeting, please contact Jan Sheppard. The number of spaces is limited. We will try to get minutes to members as quickly as possible so that you will know what is discussed at the meeeting.
We hope you and your families are healthy and safe during this troublesome time.
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